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Published on: 01/10/2015

To remain relevant and effective and more valued local and regional actor, IRC believes it needs to establish a stronger presence in the countries where it works. Ethiopia is one of the countries where IRC has planned a physical presence, to build on its already established work and reputation in the country.

IRC has been active in Ethiopia for over a decade, establishing a firm reputation in supporting the country to move towards the target of universal access to water and sanitation. The government and other development partners are now increasingly seeking IRC's expertise and experience in the various WASH sector initiatives and undertakings. Establishing a country office will not only help IRC to deliver on its mission of supporting the government and the wider sector to move towards a service delivery approach within the second Growth and Transformation Plan, but also creates an opportunity to work closely together with others to influence national policy and implementation in delivery of sustainable WASH services.

Recently IRC has been successful in acquiring a strong portfolio of new projects in Ethiopia focusing on WASH sector and project monitoring, Innovation in service delivery models and financing, and Networking and knowledge management. Through its projects IRC is working closely with key government Ministries of water, health, education and finance, development partners and NGOs and supporting the Ethiopian government's vision of establishing an effective and coordinated WASH sector under a 'One WaSH National Program'

Our country office is located on Haile Gebreselassie Street, Hayahulet Mazoria, on Golagul Building in front of Traffic Police Headquarter.

Come and visit us. We look forward to working with like minded organisations in Ethiopia.

You can contact us at or P.O.Box 2 Code 1251, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

See our Ethiopia page on our website for more details about our work.

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