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Background note to the 3rd IRC event on the limits of aid and the future of trade and presentations of the Keynote presentations by DGIS, Simavi and Aquanet. 

TitleAid and trade : implications for the future of WASH
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsVerhoeven, J, Uytewaal, E, van Koppen, P, Smits, S, Lockwood, H
Secondary TitleIRC Event: ‘The limits of aid, the future of trade’?, 17 Septermber 2014, The Hague
Pagination5 p.
Date Published09/2014
Publication LanguageEnglish

Can the new trade-based approach help ensure that every person in the world enjoys safe water, sanitation and hygiene, now and forever? After briefly describing aid policies that are based on trade and reviewing the historical context, this background note looks at how the Netherlands' aid-and-trade agenda may affect achievement of that goal.



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