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The Project Implementation Manual (PIM) for Ghana's National Community Water and Sanitation Programme (NCWSP) has been developed as part of national efforts towards harmonising water and sanitation project implementation approaches at the district and community levels.

TitleProject implementation manual
Publication TypeProgress Report
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsCWSA), CWater and
Pagination55 p. : 4 fig., 1 tab.
Date Published02/2014
PublisherCommunty Water and Sanitation Agency (CWSA)
Place PublishedAccra, Ghana
Publication LanguageEnglish

The Project Implementation Manual (PIM) for Ghana's National Community Water and Sanitation Programme (NCWSP) has been developed as part of national efforts towards harmonising water and sanitation project implementation approaches at the district and community levels. The manual provides a context for project design, implementation and management; and also expatiates on the focus areas of the National Community Water and Sanitation Strategy (NCWSS).

The PIM targets all stakeholders (at national, regional and district levels) involved in the provision of water and sanitation services and expected to build a strong partnership across all these key stakeholders. It sets out implementation rules, procedures, and processes with the dual objective to forge strong partnerships and relationships across all key stakeholders and to ascertain the long-term sustainability of all water and sanitation facilities installed in rural communities and small towns.

After an introduction to the NCWSP, the manual outlines the community WASH project cycle and elaborates on the hygiene education and sanitation strategy. This is followed by chapters on sustainability and services delivery, sector strengthening, implementation arrangements, procurement, financial management and special projects, and finally, monitoring, evaluation and reporting. An annex outlines the accounst to be opened and the reciepts and payment processes to be followed in project implementation.



23 ref. The PDF file is the printer's version of the manual





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