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P. B. Moriarty, Nyarko, K. B., Dwumfour-Asare, B., Appiah-Effah, E., and Obuobisa-Darko, A., Life-cycle costs in Ghana: background and methodology, WASHCost Ghana briefing note series, vol. 1. IRC, The Hague, p. 12 p.; 1 fig.; 3 tab.; 3 photographs, 2011.
K. B. Nyarko, Dwumfour-Asare, B., Appiah-Effah, E., Moriarty, P. B., and Obuobisa-Darko, A., Life-cycle costs in Ghana: costs of rural and small town sanitation services, WASHCost Ghana briefing note series, vol. 3. IRC, The Hague, p. 12 p.; 3 fig.; 6 tab.; 2 photographs, 2011.
K. B. Nyarko, Dwumfour-Asare, B., Appiah-Effah, E., Moriarty, P. B., and Obuobisa-Darko, A., Life-cycle costs in Ghana: post-construction costs of water point-systems, WASHCost Ghana briefing note series, vol. 2. IRC, The Hague, p. 12 p.; 3 fig.; 3 tab.; 2 photographs, 2011.
C. Batchelor, Fonseca, C., and Smits, S., Life-cycle costs of rainwater harvesting systems, vol. 46. IRC, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. 41 p.; 5 fig.; 9 tab., 2011.
J. Kiyimba, Alowo, R., and Abaliwano, J., Localising the millennium development goals in Uganda : opportunities for local leaders. WaterAid, Kampala, Uganda, p. 4 p.; 1 tab., 2011.
I. Wagner, C. Wells, D. Silva, Butterworth, J., and Dziegielewska-Geitz, M., Lodz : city of water, 2011, pp. p. 203 - 213; 1 box; 1 fig.
N. L. Practica - Papendrecht and USAID -Washington, DC, US. Centre for Development Information and Evaluation, Low cost systems for the management of sludge from toilets and shower units : current techniques and improved options in Ambositra and Mahanoro, Mad... WASH_plus U.S. Agency, Washington, DC, USA, p. 42 p.; ill.; fig.; tab.; photographs, 2011.
D. Schaub-Jones, Lusaka learning and sharing workshop video report : materials presented during the Learning and Sharing workshop on sanitation in rapidly growing to.. The Hague, The Netherlands: IRC, 2011, pp. 6 - 7 minutes.
UN-HABITAT -Nairobi, KE, United Nations Human Settlements Programme, Main report of the first water and sanitation trust fund : impact study, vol. 1. Nairobi, Kenya: UN-Habitat, United Nations Centre for Human Settlements, 2011, p. x, 63 p.; ill.; 3 boxes; 2 fig.; photographs.
K. E. Bliss and Bowe, K. F., Making progress on global water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) challenges : a report of the csis project on global water policy. Washington, DC, USA: Center for Strategicand International Studies, CSIS, 2011, p. iii, 12 p.
J. L. O. Kiyiapi, Making school health programmes work : presentation on december 6th 2011, "Getting School WASH Right", Emory University. S.n., S.l., p. 13 slides; ill., 2011.
P. Mader, Making the poor pay for public goods via microfinance : economic and political pitfalls in the case of water and sanitation, vol. 11/14. Max-Planck-Institut für Gesellschaftsforschung, MPifG, Cologne, Germany, p. iv, 39 p.; 2 tab.; 2 fig., 2011.
Institute for Sustainable Futures - University of Technology Sydney, AU, ISF - UTS, Malawi : WASH Sector Brief. Institute for Sustainable Futures - University of Technology Sydney, AU, ISF - UTS, Sydney, NSW, Australia, p. 8 p.; 2 tab.; 1 fig., 2011.
S. Padre, Mallanna saves farmers from cruel sun, Appropriate technology, pp. p. 38 - 40 : photogr., 2011.
J. Yang, LeChevallier, M. W., Teunis, P. F. M., and Xu, M., Managing risks from virus intrusion into water distribution systems due to pressure transients, Journal of water and health, pp. p. 291 - 305; 4 fig.; 3 tab., 2011.
L. Bunclark, Carter, R., Casey, V., Day, S. J., and Guthrie, D., Managing water locally : an essential dimension of community water development. ICE Publishing, S.l., p. 95 p.; ill.; fig.; tab.; boxes, 2011.
IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre, The Hague, NL and Red de Agua y Saneamiento de Honduras -Tegucigalpa, HN, RAS-HON, Manual para facilitadoras. Transparencia, rendición de cuentas y acceso a la información para juntas de agua. IRC, Tegucigalpa, Honduras, p. 43 p. , 2011.
Manual para facilitadores: transparencia, rendición de cuentas y acceso a la información para juntas de agua. RAS-HON, IRC, Tegucigalpa, Honduras, p. 43, 2011.
J. S. Juana, Strzepek, K. M., and Kirsten, J. F., Market efficiency and welfare effects of inter-sectoral water allocation in South Africa, Water policy : official journal of the World Water Council, pp. p. 220 - 231; 4 tab., 2011.
J. Naugle, Opio-Oming, T., and Cronin, B., A market-based approach to facilitate self supply for rainwater harvesting in Uganda : paper presented at the 6th Rural Water Supply Network Forum 2.., presented at the 2011-01-01, S.l., 2011, p. 9 p.; 2 tab.; 2 boxes.
J. Naugle, Market-based approaches can provide water to poor rural families, Waterlines, an international journal of water, sanitation and waste, pp. p. 41-51 : 2 boxes, 6 photogr., 2011.
D. Schaub-Jones, Market-based approaches in water and sanitation : the role of entrepreneurship, Waterlines, an international journal of water, sanitation and waste, pp. p. 5-20 : 3 boxes, 2 fig., 2011.
E. Schroeder, Marketing human excreta : a study of possible ways to dispose of urine and faeces from slum settlements in Kampala, Uganda. Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit, GIZ, S.l., p. 59 p.; 5 tab.; 5 fig., 2011.
P. Mader, Max-Planck-Institut für Gesellschaftsforschung MPIfG Discussion Paper. Max-Planck-Institut für Gesellschaftsforschung, MPifG, Cologne, Germany, 2011.
S. W. A. S. H. +Research Team, Measuring the impact of school water, sanitation and hygiene : SWASH+ experience : powerpoint presentation on december 6th 2011, "Getting School WAS... S.n., S.l., p. 19 slides; ill., 2011.


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