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Found 23550 results
UNICEF -New York, NY, US, WASH en Escuelas Paquete de herramientas para el monitoreo. UNICEF, New York, NY, USA, p. 88 p. : fig., 2011.
G. Keast, Sahin, M., Dooley, T., Henderson, M., Meyers, C., Luyendijk, R., and Unalan, T., WASH in schools monitoring package. UNICEF, New York, NY, USA, p. 88 p. : fig., 2011.
F. Naene, Naafs, A., and Zita, J., WASHCost Moçambique Cartaz sobre contractos e custos fontes dispersas. IRC, The Hague, the Netherlands, p. 1 p. : fig., 2011.
F. Naene, Zita, J., Naafs, A., and Moçambique, W. A. S. H. C., WASHCost Mozambique Cartaz sobre custos do PEC. IRC, The Hague, the Netherlands, p. 1 p. : fig., tab., 2011.
IRC, WASHCost Mozambique infosheets. IRC, The Hague, the Netherlands, 2011.
W. A. S. H. C. Moçambique, WASHCost Revista Ndzava, 2011 no. 2, vol. 2. 2011.
D. Barcelo and Petrovic, M., Waste water treatment and reuse in the Mediterranean region, vol. no. 14. Berlin, Germany: Springer Verlag, 2011, p. xiv, 307 p.
R. Philip, Wastewater : exploring the options, vol. Module 5. ICLEI European Secretariat GmbH, Freiburg, Germany, p. 55 p.; 17 fig.; 3 tab.; boxes, 2011.
Emergency Water, Sanitation and Hygiene group, EWASH, Wastewater in the Occupied Palestinian Territory , vol. 7. Emergency Water and Sanitation-Hygiene Group, EWASH, S.l., p. 4 p.; 2 photographs; 4 boxes; 1 cartoon, 2011.
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, UNESCO, Water and climate dialogue : adapting to climate change : why we need broader and out-of-the-box approaches. UNESCO World Water Assessment Programme Secretariat, Paris, France, p. 16 p.; 2 fig.; 3 boxes; photographs, 2011.
U. Ministry o UG, Water and environment sector performance report 2011. Government of Uganda, Kampala, Uganda, p. xx, 316 p.; ill.; tab.; fig.; boxes, 2011.
Emergency Water, Sanitation and Hygiene group, EWASH, Water and sanitation in East Jerusalem , vol. 9. Emergency Water and Sanitation-Hygiene Group, EWASH, S.l., p. 4 p.; 2 photographs; 4 boxes, 2011.
Wand Housin Resources, Water and sanitation sector performance report 2010 [Ghana]. Ghana. Ministry of Water Resources, Works and Housing, Accra, Ghana, p. 83 p.; 20 tab.; 23 fig., 2011.
U. N. W. - D. P. A. C. U. N. - Water D. Communication, Water and the green economy reader : UN-Water Decade Programme on Advocacy and Communication (UNW-DPAC). UN-Water Decade Programme on Advocacy and Communication, UNW - DPAC, Zaragossa, Spain, p. 8 p., 2011.
S. Kayaga and Smout, I., Water demand management in the city of the future : selected tools and instruments for practitioners. Loughborough, UK: Water, Engineering and Development Centre, Loughborough University of Technology, WEDC, 2011, p. xvi, 176 p.; ill.; tab.; fig.
A. Y. Hoekstra, Chapagain, A. K., Aldaya, M. M., and Mekonnen, M. M., The water footprint assessment manual : setting the global standard. London, UK: Earthscan, 2011, p. xix, 203 p. : boxes, fig., tab.
Emergency Water, Sanitation and Hygiene group, EWASH, Water for agriculture and food security in Gaza, vol. 6. Emergency Water and Sanitation-Hygiene Group, EWASH, S.l., p. 4 p.; 2 photographs; 3 boxes, 2011.
J. Lundqvist, On the water front : selections from the 2011 World Water Week in Stockholm. Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI), Stockholm, Sweden, p. 68 p.; ill., 2011.
J. H. Stern and Stern, A., Water harvesting through sand dams, Echo development notes (EDN), p. ca 17 p. : 8 fig., 2011.
J. H. Stern and Stern, A., Water harvesting through sand dams. ECHO, Educational Concerns for Hunger Organization, North Ft. Myers, FL, USA, p. 20 p. : 9 fig., 2011.
M. D. Young, Water : investing in natural capital, in Towards a green economy: pathways to sustainable development and poverty eradication, 2011, pp. P. 114 - 151 : 7 boxes, 17 fig., 4 tab.
H. Partow, Water issues in the democratic republic of the Congo : challenges and opportunities : technical report. UNEP, United Nations Environment Programme, Nairobi, Kenya, p. 94 p.; 4 tab.; photographs, 2011.
S. Knauer, de Nascimento, N. O., Butterworth, J., Smits, S., and Lobina, E., Water management and urban planning in Belo Horizonte, 2011, pp. p. 111 - 119.
Emergency Water, Sanitation and Hygiene group, EWASH, Water quality in the Gaza Strip, vol. 3. Emergency Water and Sanitation-Hygiene Group, EWASH, S.l., p. 4 p.; 2 photographs; 3 boxes, 2011.
Emergency Water, Sanitation and Hygiene group, EWASH, Water resources in the West Bank, vol. 2. Emergency Water and Sanitation-Hygiene Group, EWASH, S.l., p. 4 p.; 1fig.; 1 tab.; 1 photograph; 1 box, 2011.


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