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Found 23550 results
J. W. Bridge, Oliver, D. M., Chadwick, D., Charles, H., Godfray, J., Heathwaite, A. L., Kay, D., Maheswaran, R., McGonigle, D. F., Nichols, G., Pickup, R., Porter, J., Wastling, J., and Banwart, S. A., Engaging with the water sector for public health benefits: waterborne pathogens and diseases in developed countries, Bulletin of the World Health Organization, pp. p. 873 - 875, 2010.
F. Bellaubi and Visscher, J. T., Enhancing integrity to improve service delivery in water supply service provision : paper presented at the IRC symposium ‘ Pumps, Pipes and Promises: Costs, Finances and Accountability for Sustainable WASH Services' in The Hague, The Netherlands from 16 -, presented at the 2010-11-16, The Hague, The Netherlands, 2010, p. 19 p.; 16 refs.; 11 tab.; 7 fig.
J. Kiyimba, Enhancing sustainability in rural water supplies and WASH governance in Uganda : the 2nd National Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Learning Forum -Kampala August 18 - 19, 2010. Sanitation and Water Alliance, SAWA, Kampala, Uganda, p. 4 p.; 1 fig.; 5 boxes; 9 photographs, 2010.
A. Shekhar, Dwivedi, S., and Bhagwat, I., Ensuring safe water and sanitation during floods in rural communities of Bihar State, India, Waterlines, an international journal of water, sanitation and waste, pp. p. 204-208, 2010.
Capacity Building Service Group -Dhaka, BD, CBSG, Ensuring services to slum dwellers : Dhaka WASA organisation for low income and slum community water service delivery : final report . Water and Sanitation for the Urban Poor, WSUP, London, UK, p. 49 p. : 7 tab., 2010.
Mof Local G. Ghana, Environmental sanitation policy [Ghana, 2010]. Ghana, Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development, Accra, Ghana, p. v, 41 p., 2010.
WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme for Water Supply and Sanitation -Geneva, CH, JMP, Estimates for the use of improved drinking-water sources : Ghana. World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva, Switzerland, p. 11 p. : tab., 2010.
WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme for Water Supply and Sanitation -Geneva, CH, JMP, Estimates for the use of improved sanitation facilities : Ghana. World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva, Switzerland, p. 17 p.; tab., 2010.
P. H. Asian Deve Manila, Every drop counts : learning from good practices in eight Asian cities. Manila, Philippines: Asian Development Bank, 2010, p. x, 66 p. : 12 fig.; photogr., 4 tab.
P. van Maanen, Evidence base : water, sanitation and hygiene interventions : literature review : september 2010. UNICEF, New York, NY, USA, p. 32, xi p.; 7 charts; 11 tab.; 8 fig.; 19 boxes, 2010.
J. Smet, Achiro, B., and Orishaba, G., Existing Good Practice Case 9: wash accountability at water supply system level. IRC, NETWAS, 2010.
H. C. K. Nankunda, External Evaluation: the relevance, efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability of the WASH good governance and accountability project, Baseline, Monitoring and External Evaluation Reports. 2010.
K. Kar, Facilitating "hands-on" training : workshops for community-led total sanitation : a trainers’ training guide, vol. 24. Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council, WSSCC, Geneva, Switzerland, p. 40 p.; ill.; 3 boxes, 2010.
Alliance of Religions and Conservation - Bath, GB, ARC, Faith in water, Salisbury, UK, July 5th – 7th 2009 : conference papers . Alliance of Religions and Conservation, ARC, Bath, UK, p. 125 p. : boxes, fig,, photogr., tab., 2010.
K. Fogelberg, Filling the knowledge gap : monitoring post-construction water and sanitation sustainability , Waterlines, an international journal of water, sanitation and waste, pp. p. 220-235 : 3 fig., 2 tab., 2010.
D. Zoungrana, The financial sustainability of drinking water services : the case of Zorgho, Burkina Faso : paper presented at the IRC symposium ‘ Pumps, Pipes and Promises: Costs, Finances and Accountability for Sustainable WASH Services' in The Hague, The Netherlands , presented at the 2010-11-16, The Hague, The Netherlands, 2010, p. 14 p.; 8 refs.; 7 fig.; 4 tab.
S. Tremolet, Financing on-site sanitation for the poor : a six country comparative review and analysis. Water and Sanitation Program, WSP, Washington, DC, USA, p. xiii, 154 p. : 3 boxes, 8 fig., 15 tab., 2010.
U. N. I. C. E. F. /G. R. Z. - ZM, Financing options for low-cost well drillers and communities for rural water supply . UNICEF, New York, NY, USA, p. v, 35 p.; tab.; fig.; boxes; photographs, 2010.
A. van der Wel, de Bruijne, G., Bereziat, E., and Barendse, J., Financing the informal entrepreneur : recognizing business opportunities in sanitation, vol. Issue 5/2010, pp. 4 p. [p. 21 - 24] : 5 photographs, 2010.
OECD Development Assistance Committee -Paris, FR, OECD-DAC, Financing water and sanitation in developing countries : the contribution of external aid . OECD, Paris, France, p. 8 p.; ill.; 2 tab.; 1 box; 5 charts, 2010.
J. Butterworth, Warner, J., Moriarty, P. B., Smits, S., and Batchelor, C., Finding practical approaches to integrated water resources management, Water alternatives : an interdisciplinary journal on water, politics and development, pp. 68-81 : 1 tab., 2010.
T. Le Quesne, Matthews, J. H., Von der Heyden, C., Wickel, A. J., Wilby, R., Hartmann, J., Pegram, G., Kistin, E., Blate, G., G. de Freitas, K., Levine, E., Guthrie, C., McSweeney, C., and Sindorf, N., Flowing forward : freshwater ecosystem adaptation to climate change in water resources management and biodiversity conservation, vol. 58213. Water Sector Board of the Sustainable Development Network of the World Bank Group, Washington, DC, USA, p. iii, 62 p.; refs.; boxes; fig.; tab., 2010.
M. Fernandes, Freedom of mobility: experiences from villages in the states of Madhya Pradesh & Chhattisgarh India, in South Asia Sanitation and Hygiene practitioners' workshop papers, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2010, p. 12 p.; ill.; 3 tab.
A. R. Balcázar and Perea, C., From dirty to clean pipes : a review of an anti-corruption agreement to prevent corruption in water and wastewater pipe supply in Colombia : paper presented at the IRC symposium ‘ Pumps, Pipes and Promises: Costs, Finances and Accountability for Sustainab, presented at the 2010-11-16, The Hague, The Netherlands, 2010, p. 9 p.; 1 ref.; 3 boxes; 1 tab.; 8 photographs.
I. Department IN and Delhi, I. N. Water and, From dreams to reality : compendium of best practices in rural sanitation in India. India, Ministry of Rural Development, New Delhi, India, p. 72 p. : fig., photographs,tab., 2010.


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