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Found 23550 results
African Civil Society Network on Water and Sanitation -Nairobi, KE, ANEW, IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre, The Hague, NL, AID, W., Copenhagen, D. K. U. N. I. C. E. F. -, and Water and Sanitation Program - Africa Region -Nairobi, KE, (WSP-AF), The second Eastern Africa sanitation conference 2 - 4 March, 2010 Kampala, Uganda : conference report, vol. 2. WaterAid, London, UK, p. 40 p.; 5 tab.; 19 photographs, 2010.
G. H. Community Accra, Sector guidelines : general : rural communities and small towns. Community Water and Sanitation Agency, Accra, Ghana, p. 20 p., 2010.
R. Lieshout and Uytewaal, E., Sector Learning: Anticipating and adapting to change for better WASH service delivery. p. 8, 2010.
G. Howard, Charles, K., Pond, K., Brookshaw, A., Hossain, R., and Bartram, J., Securing 2020 vision for 2030 : climate change and ensuring resilience in water and sanitation services, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 2-16 : 4 tab., 1 fig., 2010.
J. Devine and S. Koita, N., Senegal : a handwashing behavior change journey : global scaling up handwashing project. Water and Sanitation Program, WSP, Washington, DC, USA, p. 8 p. : 6 fig., 2010.
M. Baird, Service delivery in fragile and conflict-affected states : world development report 2011 : background paper. S.n., S.l., p. 60 p.; 10 boxes, 2010.
R. Franceys and Pezon, C., Services are forever: the importance of capital maintenance (CapManEx) in ensuring sustainable WASH services, WASHCost global briefing notes, vol. 1b. IRC, The Hague, the Netherlands, p. 8 p. : 5 fig., 2010.
A. U. WaterAid A. Mitcham, International WaterCentre -Brisbane, AU, IWC, and IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre, The Hague, NL, Sharing experiences: effective hygiene promotion in South-East Asia and the Pacific. Mitcham, Vic, Australia: WaterAid Australia, 2010, p. 76 p.; ill.; tab.; fig.
D. Schaub-Jones, Should we view sanitation as just another business? : the crucial role of sanitation entrepreneurship and the need for outside engagement, Enterprise development and microfinance, pp. p.185-204 : 1 box, 5 fig., 1 tab., 2010.
P. Bongartz, Musyoki, S. M., Milligan, A., and Ashley, H., Si la merde m’était contée : l’assainissement total piloté par la communauté en Afrique, vol. 61. International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), London, UK, p. 238 p.; tab., 2010.
A. Huq, Yunus, M., Sohel, S. S., Bhuiya, A., Emch, M., Luby, S. P., Russek-Cohen, E., G. Nair, B., R. Sack, B., and Colwell, R. R., Simple sari cloth filtration of water is sustainable and continues to protect villagers from cholera in Matlab, Bangladesh, mBio, p. (+/-) 5 p.; 2 tab.; 1 fig., 2010.
R. V. Reddy, Rao, M. S. Rammohan, and Venkataswamy, M., "Slippage" : the bane of drinking water and sanitation sector : a study of extent and causes in rural Andhra Pradesh. p. 21 p. : 6 fig., 7 tab., 2010.
R. V. Reddy, Rao, M. S. Rammohan, and Venkataswamy, M., Slippage: the bane of rural drinking water sector: a study of extent and causes in Andhra Pradesh, WASHCost India-CESS working papers, vol. 6. WASHCost and CESS, Hyderabad, p. 30 p.; 8 tab.; 6 fig., 2010.
R. Véron, Small cities, neoliberal governance and sustainable development in the global south : a conceptual framework and research agenda, Sustainability, pp. P. 2833-2848; 71 refs., 2010.
G. H. Community Accra, Small communities sector guidelines : design guidelines . Community Water and Sanitation Agency, Accra, Ghana, p. ii, 18 p. : tab., 2010.
G. H. Community Accra, Small communities sector guidelines : operation and maintenance guidelines . Community Water and Sanitation Agency, Accra, Ghana, p. i, 10 p., 2010.
K. Caplan and Harvey, E., Small town water and sanitation delivery : taking a wider view. WaterAid, London, UK, p. 40 p.; 6 tab.; 3 fig.; photographs, 2010.
G. H. Community Accra, Small towns sector guidelines : design guidelines. Community Water and Sanitation Agency, Accra, Ghana, p. 16 p. : tab., 2010.
G. H. Community Accra, Small towns sector guidelines : operation and maintenance guidelines. Community Water and Sanitation Agency, Accra, Ghana, p. 20 p. : 3 tab., 2010.
D. Bouman, Novalia, W., Hiemstra, P., and Willemsen, J., Smart disinfection solutions : examples of small-scale disinfection products for safe drinking water. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: KIT Publishers, 2010, p. 70 p. : fig., photogr., techn. drwngs.
S. Roose, Spijksma, E., van Daalen, T., and Singeling, M., Smart hygiene solutions: examples of hygiene methods and tools and tips. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: KIT Publishers, 2010, p. 56 p. : boxes, 8 fig., photogr.
S. Saboori, Mwaki, A., and Rheingans, R. D., Is soapy water a viable solution for handwashing in schools?, Waterlines, an international journal of water, sanitation and waste, pp. p. 329-336 : 2 fig., 1 tab., 2010.
Y. Velleman, Social accountability : tools and mechanisms for improved urban water services. WaterAid, London, UK, p. 40 p.; 2 fig.; 7 photographs, 2010.
M. Mbéguéré, Gning, J. B., Dodane, P. H., and Kone, D., Socio-economic profile and profitability of faecal sludge emptying companies, Resources, conservation and recycling, pp. p. 1288–1295; 3 fig.; 2 tab.; , 2010.
Water Research Commission -Pretoria, ZA, WRC, South African Water Research Commission : knowledge review 2009/10. Water Research Commission, WRC, Pretoria, South Africa, p. 220 p., 2010.


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