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Found 23550 results
Evaluation of sector approaches in the water sector : country report Mozambique : final. p. 76 p. : fig., tab. , 2007.
Evaluation of sector approaches in the water sector : country report Benin : final. p. 58 p. : fig., tab. , 2007.
O. Katooka, Evaluation of the effects of water demand management on consumer behaviour in Zambia : case study of the Lusaka peri urban areas. , vol. no. 2007-15. UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education, Delft, The Netherlands, p. xii, 116 p. : 13 fig., 48 tab., 2007.
K. P. R. S. Samarasinghe, Evaluation of water supply systems in selected small towns in Sri Lanka, vol. UWS-2007/10. UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education, Delft, The Netherlands, p. xv, 178 p. : fig., tab., 2007.
P. Harvey, Excreta disposal in emergencies : a field manual. Loughborough, UK: Water, Engineering and Development Centre, Loughborough University of Technology, WEDC, 2007, p. xviii, 232 p. : 21 boxes, 42 fig., 6 photogr., 30 tab.
L. Sanchez, Sanchez, A., Galvis, G., and Latorre, J., Filtración en Múltiples Etapas. IRC Centro Internacional En Agua y Saneamiento. Traducción española por CINARA, p. 68, 2007.
D. K. D. A. N. I. D. A. - Copenhagen, Financing mechanisms for peri-urban, small towns and rural water supply. DANIDA, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Copenhagen, Denmark, p. 30 p. : 9 boxes, 3 fig., 3 tab., 2007.
E. Kleemeier, Forming Rural Utility Groups and Leases (FRUGAL) : review of the literature. Water and Sanitation Program - African Region, Nairobi, Kenya, p. 34 p., 2007.
Red de Agua y Saneamiento de Honduras -Tegucigalpa, HN, RAS-HON, Fortalecimiento de las capacidades humanas para la gobernabilidad local de los servicios de agua y saneamiento en el Litoral Atlántico de Honduras, vol. no. 1. Red de Agua y Saneamiento de Honduras RAS-HON, Tegucigalpa, Honduras, p. 8 p. : boxes, photogr., 2007.
R. N. Osinde, Framework for promoting pro-poor water and sanitation governance in urban programmes and projects. UN-Habitat, United Nations Centre for Human Settlements, Nairobi, Kenya, p. 62 p., 2007.
K. E. C. A. R. E. - Nairobi, General district meeting : the importance of safe water, sanitation and hygiene for school and community health. CARE Kenya, Nairobi, Kenya, p. 1 p., 2007.
M. Franken, Gestión de aguas : conceptos para el nuevo milenio. La Paz, Bolivia: Plural Editores, 2007, p. 499 p. : 194 fig., 60 tab.
J. T. Visscher, Pels, J., Markowski, V., and Graaf, deS., Gestion de l’information et des connaissances dans le secteur de l’eau et de l’assainissement, vol. 14-F. p. 71 p. : boxes, tab., 2007.
J. T. Visscher, Pels, J., Markowski, V., and de Graaf, S., Gestión del conocimiento y la información en el sector de agua y saneamiento : un hueso duro de roer, vol. no. 14-S. IRC, Delft, the Netherlands, p. 73 p. : boxes, tab., 2007.
A. U. WaterAid A. Mitcham and Australia, W. Vision, Getting the basics right : water and sanitation in South East Asia and the Pacific. WaterAid Australia, Mitcham, Vic, Australia, p. 20 p.; 17 refs.; 3 tab.; 7 boxes;7 fig.; photographs, 2007.
G. B. WaterAid - London, Global cause and effect : how the aid system is undermining the Millennium Development Goals. WaterAid, London, UK, p. 8 p. : fig., 2007.
S. Devotta, Wate, S. R., Godfrey, S., Labhasetwar, P., Swami, A., Saxena, A., Dwivedi, A., and Parihar, G., Greywater reuse in rural schools : wise water management : guidance manual. National Environmental Engineering Research Institute, NEERI, Nagpur, India, p. 60 p. : fig., photogr., 20 tab., 2007.
S. Lipscombe, Groundwater salinity and hand dug wells in Ampara, Sri Lanka, Waterlines, an international journal of water, sanitation and waste, pp. p. 12-13 : 2 fig., 2007.
G. Aubourg, Desille, D., Grondin, P. M., Le Jalle, C., and Taquet, M., Guide de la cooperation decentralisee pour l'eau potable et l'assainissement : modalites d'intervention pour les acteurs decentralises et non gouvernementaux : collectivites territoriales et syndicats des eaux et de l'assainissement. pS-Eau, Programme Solidarite Eau, Paris, France, p. 55 p., 2007.
Mercy Corps -Portland, OR, US, Guide to cash-for-work programming. Mercy Corps, Portland, OR, USA, p. 64 p. : 5 tab., 2007.
G. B. O. F. W. A. T. - Birmingham, Guideline for the analysis of operating costs and assets :regulatory accounting guideline 4.03 : operative : financial year 2006-07. Office of Water Services, S.l., 2007.
S. Africa. De ZA, Guideline for the costing of household sanitation projects. South Africa, Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, Pretoria, South Africa, p. 3, 36 p. : fig., tab., 2007.
S. R. Pollard, D. Toit, du, Reddy, Y., and Tlou, T., Guidelines for catchment management strategies : towards equity, efficiency and sustainability in water resources management. South Africa, Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, Pretoria, South Africa, p. xiv, 160 p. : 20 boxes, 38 fig., 10 tab., 2007.
W. A. R. M. - P. Water Reso Program and Rural Village Water Resource Management Project -Dhangadhi, NP, RVWRMP, Guidelines for water use master plan (WUMP) preparation. S.n., S.l., p. v, 17 p.; 7 annexes; ill.; tab.; fig., 2007.
G. Ministry o GH, Health sector 5-year programme of work II (POW II) 2002-2006. Ghana, Ministry of Health, Health Education Division, Accra, Ghana, p. p. a-k, 94-xlii p., 2007.


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