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Found 23550 results
C. Thrift, Sanitation policy in Ghana : key factors and the potential for ecological sanitation solutions. Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), Stockholm, Sweden, p. vi, 23 p. : 2 boxes, 4 fig. 3 tab., 2007.
M. Ngales, Sanitation provision in Ethiopia's regional schools — girls' and women's experiences , Waterlines, an international journal of water, sanitation and waste, pp. p. 11-13 : 1 box, 2007.
S. Smits, Moriarty, P. B., Fonseca, C., and Schouten, T., Scaling up innovations through learning alliances : an introduction to the approach, Delft, the Netherlands: IRC, 2007, pp. P. 3-17 : 1 box, 1 fig.
G. B. Public Wor London and London, G. B. Freshwater, Scoping study : dialogue between the World Bank and civil society organisations about urban water and sanitation : final report. Freshwater Action Network, London, UK, p. 42 p. : tab., 2007.
K. Virjee, The sector wide investment and financing tool (SWIFT) : model overview : working paper draft . Water and Sanitation Program - African Region, Nairobi, Kenya, p. 23 p. : 27 fig., 1 tab., 2007.
USAID -Washington, DC, US, Securing Jordan's prosperity through improved water management. USAID, Washington, DC, USA, p. 4 p. : fig., 2007.
H. M. Gutierez Zapata, Selección de insecticidas usados en el cultivo de Yuca. Universidad del Valle, Facultad de Ingenieria, Cali, Colombia, p. 188 p., tab., graphics, photos , 2007.
D. D. Mara, Drangert, J. - O., Anh, N. Viet, Tonderski, A., Gulyas, H., and Tonderski, K., Selection of sustainable sanitation arrangements, Water policy : official journal of the World Water Council, pp. p. 305-318, 2007.
M. B. Ordoqui Urcelay, Servicios de agua potable y alcantarillado en la ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina : factores determinantes de la sustentabilidad y el desempeno, vol. no. 126. Santiago, Chile: United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), 2007, p. 76 p. : : 4 boxes, 14 fig., 7 tab.
S. Valenzuela and Jouravlev, A., Servicios urbanos de agua potable y alcantarillado en Chile: factores determinantes del desempeno, vol. no. 123. Santiago, Chile: United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), 2007, p. 78 p. : 7 boxes, 15 fig., 4 tab.
C. C. Dorea, Simple improvements for emergency batch water treatment, Waterlines, an international journal of water, sanitation and waste, pp. p. 17-19 : 3 fig., photogr., 2007.
P. Ryan and Rashid, H. U., Sludge emptying, transport, treatment : can Vacutug solve the downstream sanitation problems of Dhaka? Case study for Bangladesh sanitation workshop, January 2007 , presented at the 2007-12-01, S.l., 2007, p. 12 p.
Netherlands Water Partnership -The Hague, NL, NWP, Smart water harvesting solutions : examples of innovative, low-cost technologies for rain, fog, runoff water and groundwater. Delft, The Netherlands: Netherlands Water Partnership (NWP), 2007, p. 64 p. : boxes, fig., photogr., tab.
U. G. Steadman G. Kampala, Social marketing report : usage and attitudes of sanitation facilities in Kawempe division, Kampala. WaterAid, Kampala, Uganda, p. 85 p. : tab., 2007.
B. Gonzenbach and Coad, A., Solid waste management and the Millennium Development Goals : links that inspire action, vol. no. 3. St. Gallen, Switzerland: Collaborative Working Group on Solid Waste Management in Low- and Middle-income Countries (CWG), 2007, p. 34 p. : boxes, photogr.
Environment and Public Health Organization -Katmandu, NP, ENPHO and UN-HABITAT -Nairobi, KE, United Nations Human Settlements Programme, Solid waste management in Siddhiput : final report : Siddhipur integrated water and sanitation project. Environment and Public Health Organization (ENPHO), Kathmandu, Nepal, p. 14 p. : 1 fig., 18 photogr., 1 tab. , 2007.
C. Switzerlan SwissGroup, Somali PHAST step-by-step guide. Caritas Switzerland/Luxembourg – SwissGroup, Geneva, Switzerland, p. 42 p., 2007.
South African journal of child health. Health and Medical Publishing Group SA, Cape Town, South Africa, 2007.
D. Sequeira and Warner, M., Stakeholder engagement : a good practice handbook for companies doing business in emerging markets. International Finance Corporation, Washington, DC, USA, p. vii, 172 p. : 16 boxes, 2 fig., 2 tab., 2007.
Worldwatch Institute -Washington, DC, US, State of the world 2007 : our urban future. New York, NY, USA: W.W. Norton, 2007, p. xxxi, 250 p. : boxes, fig., tab.
S. Agarwal, Srivastava, A., Choudhary, B., and Kaushik, S., State of urban health in Delhi. Urban Health Resource Centre, New Delhi, India, p. xiii, 99 p. : 22 fig., 6 taB., 2007.
B. D. WaterAid - Dhaka, Step by step implementation guidelines for urban water point / stand post. WaterAid, Dhaka, Bangladesh, p. v, 23 p. : tab., techn.drwngs, 2007.
G. M. Vargas, Strengthening grassroots capacity with AQUACOL, Waterlines, an international journal of water, sanitation and waste, pp. p. 22-23, 2007.
J. De la Harpe, Strengthening local governance for improved water and sanitation services. IRC, Delft, The Netherlands, p. 17 p. : 8 fig., 2007.
S. House, Sustainability and disengagement strategies : WASH interventions in vulnerable contexts : Liberia with a focus on exit strategies : fieldwork - 2 of 4 : research findings and feedback. Action Against Hunger International Network, ACF, Paris, France, p. 193 p.; boxes; tab.; fig.;, 2007.


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