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Found 23550 results
D. van Damme, Water and sanitation in the Middle East, Waterlines, an international journal of water, sanitation and waste, p. p. 2, 2003.
UN-HABITAT -Nairobi, KE, United Nations Human Settlements Programme, Water and sanitation in the world's cities : local action for global goals. London, UK: Earthscan, 2003, p. xxv, 274 p. : boxes, fig., tab.
Land Enviro Water, Water and sanitation in Uganda : measuring performance for improved service delivery. Uganda, Ministry of Water, Lands and Environment, Kampala, Uganda, p. xiv, 83 p. : 33 fig., 17 tab., 2003.
Y. J. Suwaiba, Water and sanitation problems faced by women in seclusion, in Towards the millennium development goals - actions for water and environmental sanitation : proceedings of the 29th WEDC conference, Abuja, Nigeria, 2003, Loughborough, UK, 2003, pp. p. 355-357 : 5 photogr.
Millennium Water Alliance -Houston, TX, US, MWA, Water and sanitation program for Sub-Saharan Africa : a framework for action. Millennium Water Alliance, MWA, Sugar Land, TX, USA, p. 10 p. ; 1 fig., 2003.
D. Danish Int Assistance and GH, Gof Ghana -, Water and Sanitation Sector Programme Support Phase II : WSSPS II. Government of Ghana, Accra, Ghana, p. 72 p.; tab.; 1 krt.; 1 fig., 2003.
P. Racicot and Marier, R., Water and sanitation trust fund. UN-Habitat, United Nations Centre for Human Settlements, Nairobi, Kenya, p. 55 p., 2003.
S. Huq, Reid, H., and Murray, L., Water and the least developed countries : report prepared for the United Nations Office of the High Representative for the LDCs, LLDCs and SIDS. International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), London, UK, p. 16 p. : 4 boxes, 1 fig., 4 tab., 2003.
G. Meijerink and Ruijs, A., Water as an economic good : points of interest for policy. Agricultural Economics Research Institute (LEI), The Hague, The Netherlands, p. vi, 24 p., 2003.
M. Falkenmark, Water cycle and people : water for feeding humanity, Land use and water resources research, pp. p. 3.1-3.4, 2003.
R. S. McKenzie, Buckle, H., Wegelin, W. A., and Meyer, N., Water demand management cookbook. Johannesburg, South Africa: RANDWATER, 2003, p. 206 p. : fig., tab.
P. H. Asian Deve Manila, Water for all. Asian Development Bank, Manila, Philippines, 2003.
P. H. Asian Deve Manila, Water for all : the water policy of the Asian Development Bank. Asian Development Bank, Manila, Philippines, p. iv, 50 p. : 4 boxes, 6 fig, 2003.
P. H. Asian Deve Manila, Water for all : water for the poor : a selection of case studies on water and poverty. Asian Development Bank, Manila, Philippines, p. 63 p. : photogr., 2003.
Water for Asian cities programme : a regional programme promoting pro-poor investments in water and sanitation to support millennium declaration goals. p. 24 p. , 2003.
B. E. European C. Brussels, Water for life : EU water initiative : international cooperation - from knowledge to action. Luxembourg, Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2003, p. 47 p. : photogr.
World Water Assessment Programme -Paris, France, WWAP, Water for people, water for life, vol. no. 1. Oxford, UK: Berghahn Books, 2003, p. xxiii, 576 p. : boxes, fig., map, tab.
Global Water Partnership West Africa Technical Advisory Committee -Ouagadougou, BF, GWP-WATAC, Water for the 21st century : vision to action for West Africa = L'eau pour le 21ème siècle : de la vision à l'action pour l'Afrique de l'Ouest. Global Water Partnership (GWP), Stockholm, Sweden, p. 46 p. : 2 fig., 16 tab. (English) + 46 p. : 2 fig., 16 tab. (French), 2003.
S. Bounda and Okuthe, R. F., Water for the future : an annotated bibliography for World Water Day and the International Year of Freshwater. Nairobi, Kenya: UNEP, United Nations Environment Programme, 2003, p. iii, 138 p.
I. N. Netherland Delhi, Water for the future : Netherlands development cooperation in India. Netherlands Embassy, India, New Delhi, India, p. 30 p. (loose leaf) ; 3 boxes, photogr., 2003.
R. S. Kandel, Water from heaven : the story of water from the big bang to the rise of civilization, and beyond. New York, NY, USA: Colombia University Press, 2003, p. xiii, 312 p. : 21 figures, 3 tables.
R. Alkhaddar, Water harvesting in Jordan using earth ponds, Waterlines, an international journal of water, sanitation and waste, pp. p. 19-21 : 1 fig., 2 photogr., 2003.
N. L. Plan Neder Amsterdam, Water, het blauwe goud : de waterfilmploeg in Kenia. Plan Nederland, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, p. Video (? min) : VHS, 2003.
I. Accion Fra Anantapur, Water, households and rural livelihoods project : scaling up findings from the WHiRL project. Accion Fraterna, Anantapur, India, p. 2 p., 2003.
D. Hall, Water in public hands : the alternative to privatisation and globalisation. Public Services International Research Unit (PSIRU), University of Greenwich, Greenwich, UK, p. 27 p. : fig. tab., 2003.


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