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P. K. Orangi Pil Karachi, Orangi pilot project : institutions and programs : 91st quarterly report, July, Aug. Sept 2002. Orangi Pilot Project, Orangi Town, Karachi, Pakistan, p. 105 p. : tab. + 13 p. photogr., 2002.
C. Lusthaus, Adrien, M. - H., Anderson, G., Carden, F., and Montalvan, G. P., Organizational assessment : a framework for improving performance. Ottawa, Ont, Canada: Inter-American Development Bank, 2002, p. 210 p.
P. Marin, Output-based aid (OBA) : possible applications for the design of water concessions. World Bank, Washington, DC, USA, p. 36 p. : boxes, fig., tab., 2002.
F. J. S. O. P. A. C. - Suva, Pacific regional action plan on sustainable water management : in preperation for the 3rd World Water Forum, Kyoto, Japan, 2003. SOPAC (South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission), Suva, Fiji, p. 56 p. : map, photogr., 2002.
Pakistan Journal of Nutrition. Asian Network for Scientific Information, ANSI, Faisalabad, Pakistan, 2002.
pakistan: ministry pk, Pakistan water sector strategy 2002 . pakistan, ministry of water and power pk, Islamabad, Pakistan, p. 5 parts, 2002.
pakistan: ministry pk, Pakistan water sector strategy 2002. pakistan, ministry of water and power pk, Islamabad, Pakistan, 2002.
pakistan: ministry pk, Pakistan water sector strategy : detailed strategy formulation , Pakistan water sector strategy 2002 , vol. 4. pakistan, ministry of water and power pk, Islamabad, Pakistan, p. x, 279 p.; tab.; fig., 2002.
pakistan: ministry pk, Pakistan water sector strategy : executive summary, Pakistan water sector strategy 2002 , vol. 1. pakistan, ministry of water and power pk, Islamabad, Pakistan, p. iv, 18 p.; tab.; fig., 2002.
pakistan: ministry pk, Pakistan water sector strategy : medium term investment plan , Pakistan water sector strategy 2002 , vol. 3. pakistan, ministry of water and power pk, Islamabad, Pakistan, p. viii, 193 p.; tab., 2002.
pakistan: ministry pk, Pakistan water sector strategy : national water sector profile , Pakistan water sector strategy 2002 , vol. 5. Islamabad, Pakistan, p. viii, 124 p.; tab.; fig., 2002.
pakistan: ministry pk, Pakistan water sector strategy : national water sector strategy , Pakistan water sector strategy 2002 , vol. 2. pakistan, ministry of water and power pk, Islamabad, Pakistan, p. viii, 84 p.; tab.; fig., 2002.
Bank-Netherlands Water Partnership -Washington, DC, US, Paquete de herramientas para el suministro de agua y saneamiento rural en proyectos multisectoriales. p. 57 p., 2002.
D. B. Bendahmane and Tain, F., Partenariats public-privé : mobiliser les ressources pour atteindre des objectifs de santé publique l'initiative centraméricaine « se laver les mains » sert de modèle, vol. no. 2. Environmental Health Project (EHP), Arlington, VA, USA, p. 16 p. : fig., photogr., 2002.
B. Reed and Ockelford, J., Participatory planning for integrated rural water supply and sanitation programmes : guidelines and manual. Loughborough, UK: Water, Engineering and Development Centre, Loughborough University of Technology, WEDC, 2002, p. xvii, 400 p. : 1 box, 9 fig., 7 flowcharts, 60 tab.
K. Caplan and Jones, D., Partnership indicators : measuring the effectiveness of multi-sector approaches to service provision. Business Partners for Development (BPD) Water and Sanitation Cluster, London, UK, p. 6 p., 2002.
S. Daley-Harris, Pathways out of poverty : innovations in microfinance for the poorest families. Connecticut, CT, USA: Kumarian Press, 2002, p. xviii, 329 p. : boxes, fig., tab.
R. James, People and change : exploring capacity-building in NGO's, vol. no. 15. Oxford, UK: INTRAC, International NGO Training and Research Centre, 2002, p. 161 p.
R. Scott, People and systems for water, sanitation and health : proceedings of the 27th WEDC conference, Lusaka, Zambia, 2001. Water, Engineering and Development Centre, Loughborough University of Technology, WEDC, Loughborough, UK, p. 542 p., 2002.
F. Cleaver and Franks, T., People, livelihoods and decision making in catchment management : a case study from Tanzania, Waterlines, an international journal of water, sanitation and waste, pp. p. 7-10 : 2 photogr., 2002.
R. Sawyer, PHAST participatory hygiene and sanitation education, Hanoi, Socialist Republic of Viet Nam, 14 January - 2 February 2002 : mission report. World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva, Switzerland, p. 25 p., 2002.
A. J. James and Kaushik, R., Piloting quantified participatory assessments in DPIP (Rajasthan) : final report. A.J. James, Environmental and Natural Resource Economist, New Delhi, India, p. 59 p. : tab., 2002.
S. G. Dembele, Drabo, B. M., and Keipp, W., Plaidoyer pour un assainissement écologique en Afrique de l'ouest, un moyen de lutte contre la pauvreté, Info CREPA, pp. p. 4-10, 2002.
Ministere des mines, des carrieres et de l'energie, MMCE and de vie, M. E. C. V. Ministere, Plan d'action national d'éducation environnementale pour le développement durable (PANEED). Precageme, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, p. 48 p. : tab., 2002.
J. Vargas, Políticas públicas para la reducción de la vulnerabilidad frente a los desastres naturales y socionaturales. Santiago, Chile: CEPAL, 2002, p. 84 p. : tab., graphics.


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