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Found 23550 results
E. Mutyaba, A mini report on a research to assess performance of the Creslatrin structures in Kiryandongo children's center. World Vision International, Accra, Ghana, p. 5 p., 2001.
Y. Tie, Mise en oeuvre et gestion d'un micro-projet d'eau et d'assainissement par les communautés de base : le cas de Guiberoua en Côte d'Ivoire, pp. p. 115-118 ; fig., tabs., 2001.
G. Ghosh, Mitigation of flouride and fluorosis : concerns and actions. Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council, WSSCC, Bhopal, India, p. 15 p., 2001.
S. Konate, Sokona, F., Simage, S., and Cisse, Y., Module de formation en hygiène et assainissement dans les structures sanitaires : cahier du participant. Centre Regional pour l'Eau Potable et l'Assainissement a Faible Cout (CREPA), Bamako, Mali, p. 54 p., 2001.
T. Hayward, More than just technical skills required, Waterlines, an international journal of water, sanitation and waste, pp. p. 2-4 : 1 photogr., 2001.
L. A. U. N. I. C. E. F. - Vientiane and National Centre for Environmental Health and Water Supply -Vientiane, LA, Nam Saat, Moving gender strategy into practice : steps taken in the rural water supply and sanitation sector in Lao PDR : a situation report. Water and Sanitation Program - East Asia and the Pacific, WSP-EAP, Vientiane, Lao PDR, p. 15 p. : boxes, fig., photogr., 2001.
P. H. Asian Deve Manila, Moving the poverty reduction agenda forward in Asia and the Pacific : the long-term strategic framework of the Asian Development Bank (2001-2015). Manila, Philippines: Asian Development Bank, 2001, p. vii, 64 p.
Water and Sanitation Program -Washington, DC, US, WSP, Multi-village rural water supply schemes : an emerging challenge. Water and Sanitation Program, WSP, Washington, DC, USA, p. 18 p. : fig., photogr., tab., 2001.
O. M. Ramirez Flores and I. Carbajal, E., Municipal waste water as a land-based source of pollution in coastal and marine areas of Latin America and the Caribbean. UNEP Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribean, Mexico City, Mexico, p. 29 p. : graphs, maps, tabs., 2001.
D. K. D. A. N. I. D. A. - Copenhagen and VN, M. A. R. D. Viet Nam., National capacity building (MARD-Danida WAterSPS). Sub-component 1.2. Support to implementation of national rural clean water supply and sanitation strategy : annual report 2001. Centre for Rural Water Supply and Environmental Sanitation (CERWASS), Viet Nam Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Hanoi, Viet Nam, p. 8 pag. : 3 fig., 2 tab., 2001.
D. K. D. A. N. I. D. A. - Copenhagen, CERWASS -Ha Noi, VN, Centre for Rural Water Supply and Environmental Sanitation, and VN, M. A. R. D. Viet Nam., National capacity building (MARD-Danida WAterSPS). Sub-component 1.2. Support to implementation of national rural clean water supply and sanitation strategy : inception report 2001. Centre for Rural Water Supply and Environmental Sanitation (CERWASS), Viet Nam Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Hanoi, Viet Nam, p. 61 p. : 12 fig., 16 tabs., 2001.
A. Vainio-Mattila, Navigating gender : a framework and a tool for participatory development. Helsinki, Finland: Finland, Department for International Development Cooperation, 2001, p. 62 p. : boxes.
I. N. Netherland Hyderabad and Delhi, I. N. E. T. C. - New, Netherlands assisted projects Andhra Pradesh (India) : AP III Half-yearly progress report : October 2000 - March 2001. Netherlands Assisted Projects Office, Hyderabad, India, p. iv, 18 p., 2001.
J. van Beurden, Netherlands development assistance 1999 : new development policy well under way. The Hague, The Netherlands: Netherlands, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, DGIS, Information Department, 2001, p. 16 p. : photogr., tabs.
A. Leibowitz, New world water 2001. London, UK: Sterling Publications, 2001, p. 184 p. : fig., photogr., tabs.
H. Lockwood, G. Morales, M., and J. Altamiro, O., Nicaragua : rural water supply, sanitation, and environmental health program, vol. no. 106. Environmental Health Project (EHP), Arlington, VA, USA, p. xv, 77 p., 2001.
no. 13, Watermark. 2001.
no. 14, Watermark. 2001.
no. 46, Footsteps. Tearfund, Teddington, UK, 2001.
no. 5, Crystal clear. 2001.
no. 68, Net werk : contactblad van de Stichting Net Werk voor de geschiedenis van hygiene en milieu. 2001.
no. 69, Net werk : contactblad van de Stichting Net Werk voor de geschiedenis van hygiene en milieu. 2001.
No. 9, October 2001 : overcoming water scarcity and quality constraints, 2020 Focus. 2001.
D. M. Pacheco, Norma Boliviana NB 688 : instalaciones sanitarias - alcantarillado pluvial, sanitario y tratamiento de aguas residuales. Bolivia, Direccion General de Saneamiento Basico DIGESBA, La Paz, Bolivia, p. 103 p., 2001.
N. L. R. A. W. O. O. - The Hague, North-South research partnerships : issues and challenges : Trivandrum Expert Meeting, October 1999, vol. no. 22. The Hague, The Netherlands: Netherlands Development Assistance Research Council (RAWOO), 2001, p. 36 p.


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