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Found 23550 results
Global Water Partnership South American Technical Advisory Committee -Buenos Aires, AR, GWP-SAMTAC, Agua para el siglo XXI: de la visión a la acción : America del Sur. Global Water Partnership (GWP), La Plata, Argentina, p. 81 p., 2000.
C. Garces-Restrepo and Pena, L. A. Mora, Agua para la seguridad alimentari­a y el desarrollo rural en el contexto suramericano, presented at the 2000-01-01, 2000, p. 9 p. : fig., tab.
E. T. Oromia Wat Oromia, Amendments of guidelines for management of rural water supply systems. Oromia Water, Mineral and Energy Resources Development Bureau, Oromia, Ethiopia, p. 19 p., 2000.
D. E. G. A. T. E. - Eschborn and Naturgerechte Technologien, Bau- und Wirtschaftsberatung -Frankfurt, GE, TBW, Anaerobic methods of distillery waste and waste treatment, vol. no. W4e. German Appropriate Technology Exchange (GATE) /Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ), Eschborn, Germany, p. 9 p. : 2 fig., 2 tab., 2000.
T. A. Elmitwalli, Anaerobic treatment of domestic sewage at low temperature. Wageningen, The Netherlands: Agricultural University Wageningen, 2000, p. 113 p. : fig., tab.
Análisis sectorial de residuos sólidos : Venezuela. Caracas, Venezuela, p. 239 p., 2000.
R. Taisne, Kouadio, J. - M. Sie, Cllignon, and Cllignon, Analyse du service de l'eau potable et de l'assainissement pour les populations pauvres dans les villes de côte d'Ivoire. Programme pour l'eau et l'assainissement, Abidjan, Ivory Coast, p. 29 p. : fig., tab., ill., 2000.
F. Cleaver, Analysing gender roles in community natural resource management : negotiation, lifecourses and social inclusion, IDS bulletin, 2000.
K. Ahmed and Jamwal, N., Analysis : garbage : your problem, Down to earth, pp. p. 31-46 : fig., ill., photogr., 2000.
M. Hendrikse, And from water we created every living thing : a study about actors and factors influencing the behaviour of Dhamari farmers with regard to water distribution in Yemen, vol. no. 97. Nijmegen, The Netherlands: Centre for International Development Issues (CIDIN), 2000, p. x, 124 p. : 9 boxes, 1 fig., 6 tab.
J. C. Geldenhuys, The application and efficiency of "mixed oxidants" for the treatment of drinking water, vol. no. 832/1/00. Water Research Commission, WRC, Pretoria, South Africa, p. x, 39 p. : 11 fig.; 6 tables, 2000.
P. Calvert and Nghien, P. S., Appraisal of the Vinsanres eco-san toilet demonstration project 1997-2000. Viet Nam, Ministry of Health, Hanoi, Viet Nam, p. 58 p. : tabs., 2000.
P. Eppler, Saha, K. S., Crossley, J., and Beerling, A., Approach setting for the community management component : a facilitator's manual, vol. no. 1. Development Association for Self-reliance, Communication and Health (DASCOH), Dhaka, Bangladesh, p. 69 p. : fig., tab., 2000.
C. Koske and Bw'ogero, P., Approaches to sustainable water supplies to pastoral communities in Kenya, Water and sanitation update : a newsletter of NETWAS International, p. p. 8, 5, 2000.
T. Gnagne, Appui à l'abonnement des ménages à faibles revenus pour l'approvisionnement en eau potable en Cote d'Ivoire, Info CREPA, pp. p. 4-12 : 4 fig., 2 photogr., 5 tab., 2000.
Catholic Relief Services -Baltimore, MD, US, Aprendamos todos juntos : cuentos y juegos para agua y saneamiento. S.n., La Paz, Bolivia, p. 80 p., 2000.
P. E. C. E. P. I. S. - Lima, Argentina : gestion de recursos hidricos : elementos de política para su desarrollo sustentable en el siglo XXI. Volumen I.. World Bank Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Office, Washington, DC, USA, p. 42 p., 2000.
S. Hanchett, Nahar, Q., van Agthoven, A., Geers, C., Rezvi, F. J., Dierx, H., and Jenkins, N., Arsenic awareness in six Bangladesh towns. Netherlands Embassy, Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh, p. iii, 82 p. : 10 fig., 1 map, 3 photogr., 21 tab., 2000.
L. Raschid-Sally, Arsenic contamination of groundwater in Bangladesh. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI), 2000, p. iii, 31 p. : 7 fig.; 3 tab.
A. Robinson, Arsenic mitigation in West Bengal and Bangladesh : helping households respond to a water quality crisis, vol. no. 3. Water and Sanitation Program, WSP, Washington, DC, USA, p. 15 p. : boxes, fig., photogr., tab., 2000.
I. Soumanagaoh, Assainissement de la ville de Mantankari. Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFLA), Lausanne, Switzerland, p. 49 p., 2000.
S. N. Aquadev We Dakar, Assainissement urbain en Afrique : actes du séminaire internationale de Gorée (Dakar). Aquadev, Dakar, Senegal, p. 104 p. : fig., tabs., 2000.
A. Z. Taha, Assessment of water use and sanitation behavior in a rural area of Bangladesh, Archives of environmental health, pp. p. 51-57, 2000.
August 2000, Water 21. 2000.
Avril, Notes et informations sur l'hygiène et l'assainissement en milieu scolaire. 2000.


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