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Found 23550 results
I. L. EcoPeace - Jerusalem, Dead sea challenges : final report. EcoPeace, Jerusalem, Israel, p. iv, 28 p. : maps, photogr., 1998.
A. K. Biswas, Deafness to global water crisis : causes and risks, Ambio, 1998.
Q. Liang, Dearsenation of drinking water by means of coagulation in Bangladesh. Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark, p. xi, 81 p. + 15 appendixes (37 p.) : 38 fig., 20 tab., 1998.
K. V. Sundaram, Decentralisation and local governance : country experiences of India, Nepal, Uganda and Ghana, Social change, pp. p. 70-78, 1998.
P. Venugopalan, Divakaran, K. K., K. Achari, P., and Rajasekharan, P., Decentralisation of rural water supply schemes in Kerala : rehabilitation of schemes in Grama Panchayats : a proposal. Kerala Water Authority, Trivandrum, India, p. 12 p., 1998.
Agence de l'Environnement et de la Maitrise de l'Energie -Paris, FR, ADEME, Déchets industriels banals: quel tonnage? Données et reférences. Agence de l'Environnement et de la Matrise de l'Energie (ADEME) -Fr, Paris, France, p. fig., tabs., 1998.
A. J. Fjendbo Jorgensen, Nohr, K., Sorensen, H., and Bolsen, F., Decontamination of drinking water by direct heating in solar panels, Journal of applied microbiology, pp. p. 441-447 : 2 fig., 2 tab., 1998.
N. Luangkhot and Mukherjee, N., Demand, informed choice, behavior change : basis for participatory water supply and sanitation project design in rural Lao PDR, in [Community water supply and sanitation conference : May 5 - 8, 1998, Washington, DC : various papers], 1998, p. 23 p. : ill.
M. Segone, Democratic evaluation : a proposal for strength[en]ing the evaluation function in international development organizations, vol. no. 3. UNICEF Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean, Bogota, Colombia, p. 64 p. : 7 boxes, 5 fig., 1998.
R. James, Demystifying organisation development : practical capacity-building experiences of African NGOs, vol. no. 7. Oxford, UK: INTRAC, International NGO Training and Research Centre, 1998, p. 212 p. : boxes, fig., ill.
K. E. World Bank Nairobi, Des communautés saines. UNDP-World Bank Water and Sanitation Program, Washington, DC, USA, p. Video (13 min.) : VHS/PAL, 1998.
D. Corbus, Desalination for villages, vol. 7/98. National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, CO, USA, p. 2 p. : 1 tab., 1998.
Environmental Health Project -Arlington, VA, US, EHP, Desarrollo de alianzas comunitarias para el cambio : el enfoque CIMEP. Environmental Health Project (EHP), Arlington, VA, USA, p. 23 p. : 14 photogr., 1 tab., 1998.
Desarrollo sustentable de los asentamientos humanos : logros y desafíos de las políticas habitacionales y urbanas de América Latina y El Caribe, vol. no. 7. p. 59 p. : 11 boxes, 5 fig., 11 tab., 1998.
J. Thogersen, Design and performance of a Danida designed arsenic removal unit presented at the workshop : "measurement and mitigation strategies for arsenic in drinking water at field level". Bangladesh, Department of Public Health Engineering (DPHE), Dhaka, Bangladesh, p. 6 p. : fig., 1998.
D. Prakke, Design manual for rural water supply in Bhutan. SNV Netherlands Development Organization, Thimphu, Bhutan, p. 88 p. : fig., tab., 1998.
D. D. Mara and Pearson, H. W., Design manual for waste stabilization ponds in Mediterranean countries. Leeds, UK: Lagoon Technology International, 1998, p. vii, 112 p. : fig., photogr., tab.
C. J. Lovell, Waughray, D. K., and Mazhangara, E., Developing basement aquifers to generate economic benefits : a case study from Southeast Zimbabwe, World development, pp. p. 1903-1912 : 2 fig., 1 tab., 1998.
C. Ertuna and Ti, L. Huu, Development of strategic approaches to freshwater : experiences in Asia and the Pacific and related ESCAP activities : paper no. 12, in Report of the expert group meeting on strategic approaches to freshwater management : Harare, Zimbabwe, 27 - 30 January 1998, 1998, p. 21 p.
C. Kiyonga, Development of Uganda's national sanitation policy : workshop presentation, 10 June 1998, UNICEF New York, Waterfront, pp. p. 5-7, 8, 10, 27, 1998.
D. F. I. D. United Kin GB, Developments magazine. United Kingdom, Department for International Development, London, UK, 1998.
L. Sasse, Dewats, systèmes décentralisés de traitement des eaux usées dans les pays en voie de développement. Bremen Overseas Research and Development Association, Bremen, Germany, p. 175 p. : fig., tabs., 1998.
S. R. A. Huttly, Yeager, B. A. C., and Lanata, C. F., Diarrhea : whose feces matter? : reflections from studies in a Peruvian shanty town, Pediatric infectious disease journal, pp. p. 7-9 : 1 fig., 1998.
A. Mercado, Disinfection systems of appropriate technology in Cochabamba, Bolivia. Universidad Mayor de San Simon, Cochabamba, Bolivia, p. 11 p. : 6 fig., 2 tab., 1998.
CREPA -Ouagadougou, BF, Centre Regional pour l'Eau Potable et l'Assainissement a Faible Cout, Dispositif d'un poste d'eau potable : manuel de construction, d'installation, dútilisation et d'entretien. Centre Regional pour l'Eau Potable et l'Assainissement a Faible Cout (CREPA), Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, p. 25 p. : ill., 1998.


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