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Found 23550 results
S. Naamtii, Cletus, B. B., and Tawiah, J. A., Rural and small towns water services: Upper West Region. CWSA, IRC, Accra, Ghana, p. 6, 2015.
M. K. Adama, Kuupuolo, G. T., and Obeng, B., Rural and small towns water services: Western Region. CWSA, IRC, Accra, Ghana, p. 6, 2015.
K. C. Sahoo, Hulland, K. R. S., Caruso, B. A., Swain, R., Freeman, M. C., Panigrahi, P., and Dreibelbis, R., Sanitation-related psychosocial stress : a grounded theory study of women across the life-course in Odisha, India, vol. 139, pp. 80-89, 2015.
M. Snehalatha, Fonseca, C., Rahman, M., Uddin, R., Ahmed, M., and Sharif, A. J., School WASH programmes in Bangladesh : how much does it cost? : applying the life-cycle costs approach in selected upazilas. IRC and BRAC, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. 53 p. : 14 fig., 18 tab., 2015.
P. van der Male, SDGs for water and sanitation : what's new?, what's different? : universal access. Ministry of Foreign Affairs , The Hague, The Netherlands, p. 8 slides, 2015.
A. van Soest, Carriger, S., Casella, D., and C. Wells, D. Silva, Sector learning and adaptive management, Briefing note. Building blocks for sustainability series. IRC, The Hague, the Netherlands, p. 8 p., 2015.
S. Smits and Sutton, S., Self supply: the case for leveraging greater household investment in water supply, Briefing note. Building blocks for sustainability series. IRC, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. 8 p.; 1 tab.; 1 fig.; 4 boxes, 2015.
T. Hailu, Self-supply acceleration development in Ethiopia: evolution, experiences and current status. Addis Abeba, Ethiopia, p. 14, 2015.
L. Mekonta, Butterworth, J., and Holtslag, H., Self-supply as a formal service delivery model for rural water in Ethiopia : ambition, approaches, challenges and opportunities. IRC, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, p. 6 p., 2015.
Afor All, Self-supply business catalogue. IRC and Aqua for All, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. 41 p., 2015.
M. Adank, Duti, V., Kumasi, T. C., Smits, S., Dickinson, N., Chimbar, T. L., Agbemor, B. D., Kotoku, G., Abbey, E., and Atengdem, J., Service monitoring in Ghana : a synthesis of three years of service monitoring in three districts. IRC, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. 34 p. : 3 boxes, 16 fig., 5 tab., 2015.
A. Gil, Servicios de usos múltiples del agua en MAMCEPAZ : sistematización de la experiencia piloto de implementación del MUS en Honduras, IRC, The Hague, The Netherlands, 2015.
J. Pearce, SIBS : rural water supply monitoring in Timor Leste. IRC, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. 15 slides, 2015.
L. R. Eveline, Situación del agua potable y saneamiento en Honduras, frente a los desafíos post 2015. p. 22, 2015.
P. Cross, Small steps towards building national-regional-global coherence in monitoring WASH, Rugby, UK: IRC and Practical Action, 2015, pp. P. 137-155 : 4 fig., .
M. Fan, Sri Lanka’s water supply and sanitation sector : achievements and a way forward. Asian Development Bank, Manila, Philippines, p. vii, 41 p. : 3 fig., 5 tab., 2015.
D. Casella, The start of a shared learning journey : a South-South water and sanitation services partnership between Brazil and Ethiopia. IRC, The Hague, The Netherlands, 2015.
BRAC, Strategy 2016 - 2020 BRAC Environmental WASH programme : everyone, everywhere, all the time. BRAC, Dhaka, Bangladesh, p. 15 p., 2015.
M. Snel, Bostoen, K., Biran, A., and IRC, Strengthening the role of WASH and disabilities in Bangladesh, presented at the 07/2015, Loughborough, UK, 2015, p. 5 p. : 1 fig.
S. Chary Vedala, Uddaraju, S., and Jasthi, S., Support to community-managed rural water supply by the Water and Sanitation Management Organization in Kutch District, Gujarat. IRC, ASCI, 2015.
P. Hutchings, Supporting community-managed water supply in Morappur, Tamil Nadu. Cranfield University; IRC, Cranfield, UK, p. 64 p. : 13 fig., 6 photogr., 24 tab., 2015.
K. de Bruijn, Sustainable development goals. Partos, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, p. 8 slides, 2015.
S. Smits, Schouten, T., and Fonseca, C., The Sustainable Development Goals for water and sanitation; what is new? What is different?, presented at the 02/2015, The Hague, The Netherlands, 2015, p. 3 p.
R. Mathews, Sustainable development through water footprint assessment. Water Footprint Network, Enschede, The Netherlands, p. 18 slides, 2015.
E. Baetings and Krukkert, I. J., Sustainable Sanitation and Hygiene for All : Asia regional learning event “Behaviour Change Communication for Sanitation and Hygiene” : 9 - 12th March 2015, Kichu Resort, Paro, Bhutan. IRC and SNV, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. 79 p. : fig., tab., 2015.


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