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Found 23552 results
I. Nefawan, Participatory establishment of water and sanitation facilities management unit at village level, presented at the 01/2012, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2012, p. 4 p.
S. S. Nasir Khisro and Rahman, A. U., Paving way for menstrual hygiene management in rural Pakistan, presented at the 01/2012, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2012, p. 8 p.; 2 fig.; 5 tab.; 6 photographs.
E. Appiah-Effah, Donkor-Badu, B., Nyarko, K. B., Dwumfour-Asare, B., Moriarty, P. B., Obuobisa-Darko, A., V. Otum, N., Dickinson, N., and Adjei, K. A., Pease community report: cost of water and sanitation services in Pease, Bosomtwe District of Ashanti Region Ghana, WASHCost team, Accra and Kumasi, Ghana, Accra, Ghana, 2012.
A. Dubé and Bassono, R., Performance de l'assainsisement dans 6 villages ruraux et 3 sites péri-urbain du Burkina Faso, WASHCost Burkina Faso fiche d’information. IRC, 2012.
D. A. Still and Louton, B., Piloting and testing the pour flush latrine technology for its applicability in South Africa, vol. 1887/1/12. Gezina: Water Research Commission, WRC, 2012, p. xii, 100 p.; ill.; tab.; fig.
R. Lieshout and Koestler, L., Piped schemes: evolution of management models in Uganda. 2012.
L. Koestler and van Lieshout, R., Piped schemes : evolution of management models require improved accountability while rural communities in Uganda climb the ladder of rural drinking.., S.n., S.l., 2012.
W. E. Johansson, Carvajal, L., Newby, H., Young, M., and Wardlaw, T., Pneumonia and diarrhoea : tackling the deadliest diseases for the world’s poorest children. New York, NY, USA: UNICEF, 2012, p. 77 p.; ill.; tab.; fig.; boxes.
D. S. Lantagne and Clasen, T., Point of use water treatment in emergency response, Waterlines, an international journal of water, sanitation and waste, pp. p. 30 - 52; 3 tab.; 3 fig., 2012.
J. O. Jenkins, A policy development perspective on drinking water policy , Water policy : official journal of the World Water Council, pp. p. 281 - 297; 3 tab., 2012.
K. H. Olsen, Political conflict and entangled social logics in the development of institutional capacity : creating a designated national authority for the clean.., The European journal of development research, pp. p. 589 - 605, 2012.
E. Lowe, A practical facilitation handbook : CHAST : children's hygiene and sanitation training, Second edition. Nairobi, Kenya: Caritas Switzerland/Luxembourg – SwissGroup, 2012, p. 76 p. : fig.; ill.; photographs.
D. Silva C. Wells and Sijbesma, C., Practical innovations for strengthening community-led total sanitation : selected experience from Asia, vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 417-426 : 1 tab.; 3 fig., 2012.
IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre, The Hague, NL, Présentation sur les services durables a l’echelle (Triple-S): une initiative d’apprentissage pour l’approvisionnement des services d’eau... IRC, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. 25 slides, 2012.
F. Liu, Ouedraogo, A., Manghee, S., and Danilenko, A., A primer on energy efficiency for municipal water and wastewater utilities, vol. 001/12. The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development : The World Bank, Washington, DC, USA, p. iv, 62 p.; 3 tab.; 7 fig.; 12 boxes, 2012.
S. Smits, Lockwood, H., Le Gouais, A., Schouten, T., Duti, V., and Nabunnya, J., A principle-based approach to sustainable rural water services at scale : moving from vision to action, vol. 1. IRC, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. 49 p.; 5 tab.; 1 fig., 2012.
T. Foster, Private sector provision of rural water services : a desk study for Water For People . Water For People, Denver, CO, USA, p. 51 p. : 16 fig., 8 tab., 2012.
P. Newborne and Mason, N., The private sector’s contribution to water management : re-examining corporate purposes and company roles, Water alternatives : an interdisciplinary journal on water, politics and development, pp. p. 603 - 618; 1 box, 2012.
Productive sanitation : the honey suckers of Bengaluru, New agriculturist, p. 1 p.; 3 photographs, 2012.
WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme for Water Supply and Sanitation -Geneva, CH, JMP, Progress on drinking water and sanitation : 2012 update. Geneva, Switzerland: WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme for Water Supply and Sanitation, JMP, 2012, p. 60 p.; ill.; maps; tab.; 43 fig.; 3 boxes.
B. van Koppen, V. Rojas, C., and Skielboe, T., Project politics, priorities and participation in rural water schemes, Water alternatives : an interdisciplinary journal on water, politics and development, pp. p. 37 - 51, 2012.
T. Choden and Levaque, L., Pro-poor support mechanisms to accelerate access to improved sanitation for all in rural Bhutan, vol. 3. SNV Bhutan (Thimphu), Thimphu, Bhutan, p. 7 p.; 3 fig., 2012.
WASHCost, Providing a basic level of water and sanitation services that last: cost benchmarks, WASHCost global infosheets, vol. 1. IRC , The Hague, The Netherlands, p. 4 p.; 4 tab., 2012.
J. Annis, Public-private partnerships in Madagascar : a promising approach to increase sustainability of piped water supply systems in rural towns : powerpoin... United States Agency for International Development Mission in Madagascar, USAID/M, Antananarivo, Madagascar, p. 17 slides, 2012.
J. Annis and Razafinjato, G., Public–private partnerships in Madagascar : increasing the sustainability of piped watersupply systems in rural towns, Waterlines, an international journal of water, sanitation and waste, pp. p. 184 - 196; 1 tab., 2012.


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