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R. E. Black, Yeager, B. A. C., Lanata, C. F., Lazo, F., and Verastegui, H., Transmission factors and socioeconomic status as determinants of diarrhoeal incidence in Lima, Peru, Journal of diarrhoeal diseases research, pp. p. 186-193: 5 tab., 1991.
J. Lundqvist, Sivanappan, R. K., and Ramakrishnan, T., Water conservation and integrated resources management : a case study on Interface Forestry Programme in Allikuli watershed, Thiruvallur division, Tamil Nadu, India, in Copenhagen informal consultation on integrated water resources development and management, 11-14 November, 1991 : case studies : Nordic Freshwater Initiative, 1991, p. 33 p.: fig., tab.
D. Hall and Adams, M., Water, sanitation, hygiene and health in the Qabane Valley, Lesotho. Tebellong Hospital, Primary Health Care Department, Qacha's Nek, Lesotho, p. x, 102 p.: 9 fig., 30 tab., 34 photogr., 1991.
F. I. F. I. N. N. I. D. A. - Helsinki and Zanzibar (State). Ministry of Water, Energy, Construction, Land and Environment -TZ, Zanzibar urban water supply development plan : institutional arrangements and human resources development. FINNIDA, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Helsinki, Finland, p. 126 p. + 27 p. annexes: fig., map, tab., 1991.
F. W. Odera, Karanja, J. N., and Ombai, M., The approach for sustainable rural water supply in Nyanza province, Kenya, presented at the 1990-01-01, Kisumu, Kenya, 1990, p. 76 p. : fig., map, tab.
I. N. Indian Hum Delhi and IHS -Rotterdam, NL, Institute for Housing Studies, Assessment of health knowledge, practices and services in Delhi slums, vol. no. 25. Indian Human Settlements Programme, New Delhi, India, p. 60 p. : tab., 1990.
K. E. Kefinco - Kakamega, FI, F. Ministry o, Helsinki, F. I. Kefinco -, and KE, K. Ministry o, Bukhayo central location : socio economic study. Kefinco, Helsinki, Finland, p. 19 p., 1990.
U. G. U. N. I. C. E. F. - Kampala, Community based water source maintenance systems : workshop report and papers. UNICEF, Kampala, Uganda, p. 10 papers : tab., fig., map, drwng., 1990.
M. Falkenmark, Lundqvist, J., and Widstrand, C., Coping with water scarcity : implications of biomass strategy for communities and policies, International journal of water resources development, pp. p. 29-43, 1990.
T. Khair and Islam, A. S. M. Imdadul, Country paper : Bangladesh, in Women and water : domestic shallow well water supplies, the family handpump scenario : proceedings of a regional seminar "Women and Water - the Family Handpump", Manila, 29 August - 1 September 1989, 1990, pp. p. 71-93 : map., tab.
K. Khatikarn and Gerdpial, U., Country paper : Thailand, in Women and water : domestic shallow well water supplies, the family handpump scenario : proceedings of a regional seminar "Women and Water - the Family Handpump", Manila, 29 August - 1 September 1989, 1990, pp. P. 163-189 : map, tab.
J. V. Cabigon, Demographic, socioeconomic and health-related effects on components of Philippine child mortality, vol. no. 31CS. Australian National University, Division of Demography and Sociology, Canberra, ACT, Australia, p. 32 p.: tab., 1990.
N. Olaya and Villavicencio, G., El desabastecimiento de agua potable en las areas populares de Guayaquil : historia de una imposible cooperacion participativa. Cidagua Andina, Quito, Ecuador, p. 72 p., 1990.
del'Hydrauli de l'Industrie and UNICEF -New York, NY, US, Enquete de base prealable a l'evaluation mi-parcours du projet hydraulique villageoise et assainissement. Mali, Direction Nationale de l'Hydraulique et de l'Energie, Bamako, Mali, p. 82 p.: tab., 1990.
E. Dahi, Environmental engineering in developing countries : a textbook. Lyngby, Denmark: Polyteknisk Forlag, 1990, p. 416 p.: fig., tab.
M. L. U. N. I. C. E. F. - Bamako and Bamako, M. L. Sene- Conse, Etude d'une strategie d'approvisionnement en eau potable pour le PCAN : rapport final. Sene-Conseils, S.l., p. iii, 150 p.: 28 tab., 1990.
H. U. Bijlani, Evaluation of low-cost sanitation programmes in selected towns of Andhra Pradesh : final report. Housing, Urban Development and Municipal Affairs, New Delhi, India, p. 157 p.: fig., tab., 1990.
I. N. J. P. S. Associ Bombay and Delhi, I. N. H. U. D. C. O. - New, Evaluation study of low cost sanitation programme in the state of Maharashtra. Housing and Urban Development Corporation, New Delhi, India, p. 180 p.: tab., 1990.
A. T. Aina, Housing and health in Olaleye-Iponri, a low income settlement in Lagos, Nigeria, in The poor die young : housing and health in Third World cities, 1990, pp. P. 56-88 : map, tab.
K. E. Kefinco - Kakamega, FI, F. Ministry o, Helsinki, F. I. Kefinco -, and KE, K. Ministry o, Income generating possibilities and potentials for women groups in Western Province. Kefinco, Helsinki, Finland, p. 61 p.: tab., 1990.
K. B. Kurup, Innovative approaches in water supply and sanitation programme. Kerala Water Authority, Socio-Economic Units, Trivandrum, India, p. 12 p., 1990.
P. De Colombani, Irshaid, H. M., and de Melo, C. M. Meira, Integrating primary health care and primary environmental care in the health district of Pau da Lima (Salvador da Bahia, Brazil) : final report : field-work in Salvador da Bahia (Brazil), August-October 1990. Associazione Italiana per la Solidarieta tra i Popoli, Rome, Italy, p. ca. 120 p.: fig., tab., 1990.
WHO -Geneva, CH, World Health Organization, The International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade : review of decade progress (as at December 1988). World Health Organization, Community Water Supply & Sanitation Unit, Geneva, Switzerland, p. 135 p.: fig., tab., 1990.
M. E. Bentley and Herman, E., Manuals for ethnographic data collection : experience and issues. Johns Hopkins University, School of Hygiene and Public Health, Baltimore, MD, USA, p. ii, 29 p. + annexes (ca. 10 p.), 1990.
L. Vincent, The politics of water scarcity : irrigation and water supply in the mountains of the Yemen Republic, vol. no. 90/3e. Overseas Development Institute (ODI), London, UK, p. 28 p., 1990.


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