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M. W. Blokland, Boot, M. T., and van der Wildt, C. D., Rada Water Supply and Sanitation Project Republic of Yemen : report of the fourth monitoring mission, 9-15 June 1991. Netherlands, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, DGIS, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. vii, 34 p., 1991.
E. Kijne, Training cum planning workshop on objective oriented project planning : mission report. Management for Development Foundation, Ede, The Netherlands, p. 46 p.: tab., map, photogr., 1991.
T. Ramjeawon, Water systems and water management on the island of Mauritius, in Population, economy, and environment in Mauritius : proceedings of a task force meeting held under the UNFPA sponsored project "Population and Sustainable Development: Mauritius" at IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria, 3-5 September 1990, 1991, pp. P. 271-291: 9 fig., 6 tab.
United Nations Economic and Social Council -New York, NY, US, Achievements of the International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade 1981-1990 : report of the Economic and Social Council : report of of the secretary-general. United Nations Economic and Social Council, New York, NY, USA, p. 30 p., 1990.
N. - W. Frontier P. PK, Concept development for PHED integrated rural water supply and sanitation schemes : the integrated concept. Community Participation Team, Public Health Engineering Department (PHED, Peshawar, Pakistan, p. ca. 50 p., 1990.
W. Bengal (St IN, Delhi, I. N. World Bank, and IN, I. Rajiv Gand, Discussion paper for workshop on project strategies (October 10-12, 1990). Rajiv Gandhi National Drinking Water Mission, New Delhi, India, p. ii, 51 p.: map, fig., tab., 1990.
M. Black, From handpumps to health : the evolution of water and sanitation programmes in Bangladesh, India and Nigeria. New York, NY, USA: UNICEF, 1990, p. 133 p.: fig.
C. de Rooy and Donaldson, L. A., Integrated water and sanitation development : the Nigerian experience, Water quality bulletin, pp. p. 36-42: fig., tab., 1990.
A. M. van der Horst, An inventory of water supply and sanitation schemes constructed by Support Rural Water Supply Department Project. Netherlands / Support Rural Water Supply Department Project, Dhamar, Yemen, p. iv, 26 p. + annexes (ca. 100 p.) : tab., 1990.
M. Glasgow and Tarr, M., Maximising and sustaining the health benefits of water and sanitation : the Haiti experience, Water quality bulletin, pp. p. 58-61, 65: photogr., 1990.
G. J. M. Leereveld, Rada' Integrated Rural Development Project : surface water monitoring in Al Bayda province, first phase, April 1987-May 1990, volume II, technical note 39. Ilaco, Arnhem, The Netherlands, p. 248 p. : tab., 1990.
W. Bengal (St IN, Delhi, I. N. World Bank, and IN, I. Rajiv Gand, A report on the proceedings of the workshop on formulation of project strategies : October 10-12, 1990. Rajiv Gandhi National Drinking Water Mission, New Delhi, India, p. vii, 57 p.: map, 1990.
Socio-Economic Units, Kerala -Trivandrum, IN, Sanitation strategy. Kerala Water Authority, Socio-Economic Units, Trivandrum, India, p. 32 p.: fig., 1990.
S. Fry, Brahmam, S., Joseph, E., and Burns, J., Strategies for linking water and sanitation programs to child survival, vol. no. 65. Water and Sanitation for Health Project (WASH), Arlington, VA, USA, p. 65 p., 1990.
M. Lundgren, SWACH : a project with an integrated approach to rural drinking water, health education, environmental sanitation and guinea-worm control in southern Rajasthan, India : facts on a SIDA-supported project. New Delhi, India: SIDA, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, 1990, p. 14 p. : photogr.
M. Akhter, SWACH : an integrated approach to control guinea worm disease in India, Water quality bulletin, pp. p. 23-28, 63 : fig., tab., 1990.
L. Hoffman, Thematic evaluation on the integration of women in rural development : report on field mission to the rural water supply programme, Swaziland. Management Consulting for Development, BMB, Tilburg, The Netherlands, p. vi, 173, 47 p.: fig., map, 1990.
UN-HABITAT -Nairobi, KE, United Nations Human Settlements Programme, Women of Kibwezi : case study of Kibwezi women's integrated rural development programme. Nairobi, Kenya: UN-Habitat, United Nations Centre for Human Settlements, 1990, p. v, 69 p.: 17 fig., 5 maps, 3 tab.
H. Sabea, Women, water and sanitation: community participation : rapporteur's report. American University in Cairo, Social Research Centre, Cairo, Egypt, p. 16 p., 1990.
C. G. Chandler, Beyond "coverage" : an integrated approach to rural water supply and sanitation projects and programmes, Natural resources forum, pp. p. 53-58: fig., 1989.
N. O. N. O. R. A. D. - Oslo, Integrated rural water supply and sanitation programme : report from the mid-term review October 1989. NORAD, Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation, Oslo, Norway, p. 3, 19 p.: 1 fig., 1989.
WHO -Geneva, CH, World Health Organization and WHO. Regional Office for Africa -Harare, ZW, WHO / AFRO, Inter-agency round table on water supply and sanitation, Eastern and Southern Africa, Harare, 28-30 November 1988 : report of a meeting of representatives of External Support Agencies. World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva, Switzerland, p. ii, 22 p., 1989.
S. - Aand Wastel Arid and Copenhagen, D. K. D. A. N. I. D. A. -, Kitui integrated development programme for arid and semi-arid lands : plan of operations phase I. DANIDA, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Copenhagen, Denmark, p. 3 vol. (69, 95, 166 p.) : tab., 1989.
B. Topsoe-Jensen, Popular participation, monitoring and evaluation in integrated rural development : the case of PDRI in Guinea-Bissau, vol. no. 6. Stockholm, Sweden: Stockholm University, Development Studies Unit, 1989, p. ii, 44 p.: fig., map.
M. T. Boot and Abdullah, T., Progress review of the integrated approach, rural water supply and sanitation programme, Bangladesh. IRC, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. 2 vol. (xv, 88, 46 p.): fig., tab., 1989.


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