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Filters: Keyword is indonesia west java jakarta  [Clear All Filters]
A. R. D. Thorley and Wood, D. J., Applications of microcomputers in the design and optimisation of water supply and distribution systems in developing countries, presented at the 1988-01-01, 1988, pp. p. 219-245: fig., tab.
J. P. U. N. C. R. D. - Nagoya, Expert group meeting on shelter and services for the poor in metropolitan regions : report of the UNCRD international meeting held at Nagoya, Japan, 12-16 january 1987, vol. nr 22. United Nations Centre for Regional Development, Nagoya, Japan, p. 106 p., 1988.
Possibilities for groundwater development for the city of Jakarta, Indonesia, in International symposium, 24-29 April 1988 : hydrological processes and water management in urban areas : proceedings of the conference, 1988, pp. P. 505-516: fig.
B. N. Lohani, Baldisimo, J. M., and Evans, W., Scavenging of municipal solid waste in Bangkok, Jakarta and Manila, vol. no. 26. Bangkok, Thailand: Environmental Sanitation Information Center, ENSIC, 1988, p. ii, 109 p.: fig., tab., photogr.
A. R. D. Thorley and Wood, D. J., SIMNET : microcomputer modelling of irrigation, water supply and water distribution systems, presented at the 1988-01-01, 1988, pp. p. 3-20: fig., tab.
T. G. McGee and Yeung, Y. - M., Community participation in delivering urban services in Asia. Ottawa, Ont, Canada: International Development Research Centre (IDRC), 1986, p. 279 p.: fig., tab.
G. K. Payne, Low-income housing in the developing world : the role of sites and services and settlement upgrading. Chichester, UK: Wiley, 1984, p. xii, 271 p.: fig.
V. Zajac, Urban sanitation planning manual based on the Jakarta case study, vol. no. 14. Washington, DC, USA: World Bank, 1984, p. xiv, 158 p.: fig., tab.
I. D. Indonesian Jakarta, Case study on public taps. Indonesian Water Supply Organization (PERPAMASI), Jakarta, Indonesia, p. 13 p. : tab., 1982.


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