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L. E. Cooper, Designing the site and service plot allocation process : lessons from project experience, vol. no. 3. World Bank, Washington, DC, USA, p. 30 p.: fig., 1982.
G. Haridass, Ground water extraction and supply through tube wells, radial collector wells and infiltration galleries including case studies, in Report of the regional workshop on rural drinking water supply : 10-13 May 1982, Madras, India, 1982, pp. P. 113-118.
J. D. Bredehoeft, Betzinski, P., C. Villanueva, C., de Marsily, G., Konoplyantsev, A. A., and Uzoma, J. U., Ground-water models. Vol. 1. Concepts, problems, and methods of analysis with examples of their application, vol. no. 34. Paris, France: UNESCO, 1982, p. 235 p. : fig.
UNDP -New York, NY, US and Moratuwa, L. K. Sarvodaya, National NGO consultation : International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade. UNDP (United Nations Development Programme), S.l., p. 50 p. in various pagings, 1982.
R. J. Heggen, Optimal catchment design by mariginal analysis, in Proceedings of the International Conference on Rain Water Cistern Systems, 1982, pp. P. 135-143.
R. B. Isely, Okun, D. A., Hafner, C. R., Talbert, T., Kupper, M. L., and Shiffman, M. A., Participants manual for sessions on water supply and sanitation : USAID Workshop on Primary Health Care in Africa, November 15-20, 1981, Lome, Togo, vol. no. 13. Water and Sanitation for Health Project (WASH), Arlington, VA, USA, p. iii, 137, 23 p.: fig., tab., 1982.
I. Directorat ID, Bogor, I. D. Joint Urba, and DGIS, D. General fo, Perbaikan kampung - kampung improvement Bogor, Tangerang, Bekasi, Cirebon : case study MCK II : final report. Joint Urban Development Consultants, Bogor, Indonesia, p. 20 p. + annexes (24 p.) : photogr., tab., 1982.
M. U. Khan and Shahidullah, M., Role of water and sanitation in the incidence of cholera in refugee camps, Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, pp. p. 373-377: tab., photogr., 1982.
A. Supik, Rural water supply for the Masai community around Mount Suswa, in Papers presented at the First African Water Technology Conference : Tuesday 30th November and Wednesday 1st December 1982 : held at the Kenyatta Conference Centre, Nairobi, Kenya, 1982, pp. P. 4-1 - 4-9.
P. Jordan and Webbe, G., Schistosomiasis : epidemiology, treatment and control. London, UK: William Heinemann, 1982, p. xi, 361 p.: ill.
E. Roe and Fortmann, L., Season and strategy : the changing organization of the rural water sector in Botswana, vol. no. 1. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY, USA, p. xv, 264 p.: fig., tab., 1982.
UNDRO -New York, NY, US, Shelter after disaster : guidelines for assistance. New York, NY, USA: UNDRO, 1982, p. 82 p.
R. M. Schelhaas, Solid waste disposal and utilization in developing countries : proceedings of the VAM/KIT Workshop. Royal Tropical Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, p. iv , 197 p., 1982.
UN-HABITAT -Nairobi, KE, United Nations Human Settlements Programme, Survey of slum and squatter settlements, vol. vol. 1. Dublin, Ireland: Tycooly International, 1982, p. ix, 197 p.: fig., tab.
L. E. Newman and Hofkes, E. H., Water technology information : an essential resource in the Water Decade, in Papers presented at the First African Water Technology Conference : Tuesday 30th November and Wednesday 1st December 1982 : held at the Kenyatta Conference Centre, Nairobi, Kenya, 1982, pp. P. 1-1 - 1-30.
C. Hannan-Andersson, Women, water and development in a Pare settlement, Tanzania, vol. no. 52. University of Dar es Salaam, Bureau of Resource Assesssment and Land Use Planning, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, p. 119 p. : fig., tab., maps, 1982.
D. J. Casley and Lury, D. A., Data collection in developing countries. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 1981, p. xi, 244 p.: fig., tab.
D. T. Lauria, Design guidelines for low-cost water and sanitation, in Project monitoring and reappraisal in the International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade : papers presented at Session 40, ASCE International Convention, New York, NY, May 11-15, 1981, 1981, pp. P. 196-220 : fig., tab.
C. Puech, Diffusions des rejets en mer. Comite Interafricain d'Etudes Hydrauliques (CIEH), Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, p. 32 p.: fig., 1981.
P. Streeten, First things first : meeting basic human needs in developing countries. Oxford University Press, New York, NY, USA, p. xii, 206 p. : 5 fig., 7 tab., 1981.
T. Orum, Lindskog, P., Sawadogo, J., and Hassane, A., Local water management in rural areas and small towns : case study : Banfora, Burkina Faso, in Copenhagen informal consultation on integrated water resources development and management, 11-14 November, 1991 : case studies : Nordic Freshwater Initiative, 1981, p. 30 p.: 5 fig., 6 tab.
J. Wallace and Reynolds, J. I., Management training cases in rural technological choice : low-lift irrigation pumps. ILO, Management Development Branch, Training Department, Geneva, Switzerland, p. 40 p.: fig., tab., 1981.
I. J. Olgado, Marketing and information strategies for water utilities, in 3rd Asia Pacific Regional Water Supply Conference and Exhibition, Nov. 15-19, 1981, PICC, Manila, Philippines : proceedings, 1981, pp. P. 243-263.
S. S. Patwardhan, Meterisation in developing countries for urban rural towns, in 3rd Asia Pacific Regional Water Supply Conference and Exhibition, Nov. 15-19, 1981, PICC, Manila, Philippines : proceedings, 1981, pp. p. 223-227.
World Bank -Washington, DC, US, Nicaragua rural sanitation project : case study, Draft., vol. no. 18. Washington, DC, USA: World Bank, 1981, p. 22 p.: tab.


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