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IRC and UNICEF India, Commitments towards hand hygiene : a district level analysis. IRC, UNICEF India and Centre for Youth and Social Development (CYSD), New Delhi, India, p. 8 p., 2022.
IRC, Commitments towards hand hygiene : analysis of national, state and district level programmes, finances, and capacities. IRC, UNICEF India, Centre for Budget and Governance Accountability (CBGA) and Centre for Youth and Social Development (CYSD), New Delhi, India, p. 9 p., 2022.
IRC, Commitments towards hand hygiene at the state level : an analysis of Odisha state. IRC, UNICEF India, Centre for Budget and Governance Accountability (CBGA) and Centre for Youth and Social Development (CYSD), New Delhi, India, p. 10 p. : 1 tab., 2022.
IRC, UNICEF India, and Centre for Budget and Governance Accountability, Commitments towards hand hygiene in India : a national level analysis. IRC, UNICEF India and Centre for Budget and Governance Accountability (CBGA), New Delhi, India, p. 12 p., 2022.
Life cycle costing tool. IRC, Water For People and PRO-WASH, The Hague, the Netherlands, p. Excel file, 2022.
J. Doczi, Dorr, T., Mason, N., and Scott, A., The post-2015 delivery of universal and sustainable access to infrastructure services. Overseas Development Institute (ODI), London, UK, p. 45 p.; 2 tab.; 8 fig.; 7 boxes , 2013.
T. Schuetze, Lee, J. - W., and Lee, T. - G., Sustainable urban (re-)development with building integrated energy, water and waste systems, Sustainability, pp. p. 1114 - 1127; 1 fig., 2013.
S. Mysorekar, Water investments in Peru, Development and cooperation (D+C), p. p. 182; ill., 2013.
N. A. W. C. National A. Companies, Water is your business : the unseen challenges eroding our economic foundation. National Association of Water Companies, Washington, DC, USA, p. 17 p.; ill., 2013.
D. Yirenya-Tawiah and E. Lawson, T., Boosting health, Development and cooperation (D+C), pp. p. 327 - 329; ill.; 1 tab.; 1 fig.; 2 photographs, 2012.
I. Eguavoen, Derib, S. D., Deneke, T. T., McCartney, M., Otto, B. A., and S. Billa, S., Digging, damming or diverting? small-scale irrigation in the Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia, Water alternatives : an interdisciplinary journal on water, politics and development, pp. p. 678 - 699; 7 fig.; 2 tab., 2012.
G. Norman, Fonseca, C., and Jacimovic, R., Financing water and sanitation for the poor : six key solutions, presented at the 2012-02-01, The Hague, The Netherlands, 2012, vol. DP#003, p. 31 p.; 5 fig.; 1tab.
S. Tremolet, Cardone, R., and Fonseca, C., Investing in urban water and sanitation systems , in The urban transformation : health, shelter and climate change, 2012.
D. J. Rodriguez, van den Berg, C., and McMahon, A., Investing in water infrastructure : capital, operations and maintenance. World Bank, Washington, DC, USA, p. viii, 44 p.; 2 tab.; 5 fig.; 7 boxes, 2012.
L. van Vuuren, Spring grove : a new dam rising in the KZN Midlands, The waterwheel, pp. p. 14 - 19; ill., 2012.
World Bank -Washington, DC, US, Africa development indicators 2011. Washington, DC, USA: World Bank, 2011, p. ix, 184 p. : fig., tab.
O. A. Heino, Takala, A. J., and Katko, T. S., Challenges to Finnish water and wastewater services in the next 20–30 years . European Water Association, EWA, Tampere, Finland, p. 20 p.; 1 fig., 2011.
Emergency Water, Sanitation and Hygiene group, EWASH, Demolition and destruction of water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) infrastructure in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT) , vol. 11. Emergency Water and Sanitation-Hygiene Group, EWASH, S.l., p. 4 p.; 2 photographs; 4 boxes; 1 tab.; 1 map, 2011.
E. Perez, Evaluating the political economy for pro-poor sanitation investments. Water and Sanitation Program, WSP, Washington, DC, USA, p. 8 p.; 2 fig.; 2 boxes, 2011.
Water and Sanitaiton for the Urban Poor -London, GB, WSUP, Formulation of an outline strategy for Maputo city : citywide sanitation planning. Sociedade de Engenharia e Desenvolvimento, SEED, Maputo, Mozambique, p. 118 p.; refs.; 6 tab.; aa fig., 2011.
T. Hayward, GIS [Geographical Information System] and mapping tools for water and sanitation infrastructure, vol. 3. Water and Sanitation for the Urban Poor, WSUP, London, UK, p. 2 p.; 3 fig., 2011.
C. A. R. E. Kenya, Kenya’s KESSP school infrastructure improvement program: an assessment of roles and responsibilities. CARE Kenya, Nairobi, Kenya, p. 4 p.; ill.; 1 fig., 2011.
D. Dominguez, Truffer, B., and Gujer, W., Tackling uncertainties in infrastructure sectors through strategic planning : the contribution of discursive approaches in the urban water sector, Water policy : official journal of the World Water Council, pp. p. 299 - 316; 1 tab.; 5 fig., 2011.
D. Schaub-Jones, Winning the race : sanitation in rapidly-growing towns : background paper for a learning and sharing session in Lusaka, Zambia on 10 and 11 November.., presented at the 2011-11-10, The Hague, The Netherlands, 2011, p. 28 p.; 12 fig.; 26 boxes.


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