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S. Maber, Health care and sanitation in Peru : developing appropriate technologies, Waterlines, an international journal of water, sanitation and waste, pp. p. 28-31: ill., 1989.
P. Pine, The health education program of the rural potable water institutions project in Tunisia, vol. no. 255. Water and Sanitation for Health Project (WASH), Arlington, VA, USA, p. viii, 39 p., 1989.
WHO -Geneva, CH, World Health Organization, Health principles of housing. Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization (WHO), 1989, p. x, 44 p.
Anon, Health science for primary schools : introductory level. Macmillan, London, UK, p. 61 p.: ill., 1989.
Health science for primary schools : level 1. Macmillan, London, UK, p. 125 p.: drawing, 1989.
Health science for primary schools : level 2. Macmillan, London, UK, p. 160 p.: drawing, 1989.
S. Sutton and Mubiana, D., Household water quality in rural Zambia, Waterlines, an international journal of water, sanitation and waste, pp. p. 20-21: fig., tab., 1989.
N. P. U. N. I. C. E. F. Reg Kathmandu and NP, N. Ministry o, How to build a pit latrine. Nepal, Ministry of Education and Health, Kathmandu, Nepal, p. 24 p. : ill., 1989.
I. N. Kerala Wat Trivandrum, Hygiene education : SEU's experiences in perspective : position paper. Kerala Water Authority, Socio-Economic Units, Trivandrum, India, p. 47 p., 1989.
J. Aubel and Hanson, W., Hygiene education workshop for IEOS promoters and Peace Corps volunteers, Ibarra, Ecuador, vol. no. 268. Water and Sanitation for Health Project (WASH), Arlington, VA, USA, p. vii, 30 p., 1989.
A. Rollins, Yacoob, M., and Owoyele, M., Hygiene education workshop in water supply and sanitation, Ilorin, Nigeria, vol. no. 278. Water and Sanitation for Health Project (WASH), Arlington, VA, USA, p. vi, 52 p., 1989.
D. B. Edwards, Larrea, O. R., and Gonzalez, N. L., Integrated rural health delivery system Ecuador : final evaluation, vol. no. 264. Water and Sanitation for Health Project (WASH), Arlington, VA, USA, p. xii, 83 p., 1989.
S. Juma, Kinoti, W., Reinkemeyer, A., and Waterkeyn, J., Kuishi maisha yenye afya kwenye kingo za mto Tana. Kenya Water for Health Organization (KWAHO), Nairobi, Kenya, p. 50 p.: drawing, 1989.
B. Ministere BJ and World Bank. Regional Water and Sanitation Group for West and Central Africa -Abidjan, CI, Groupe Regional Eau et Assainissement Afrique de l'Ouest / GREA-AO, Livret guide a l'usage des agents d'hygiene et des utilisateurs : livret III : utilisation et entretien des latrines. MEPS, Materiels d'Enseignement pour les Personnels de Sante, Cotonou, Benin, p. 53 p.: drawing, 1989.
B. Ministere BJ and World Bank. Regional Water and Sanitation Group for West and Central Africa -Abidjan, CI, Groupe Regional Eau et Assainissement Afrique de l'Ouest / GREA-AO, Livret guide a l'usage des agents d'hygiene : livret I : commentaire du module diapositives. MEPS, Materiels d'Enseignement pour les Personnels de Sante, Cotonou, Benin, p. 26 p.: drawing, 1989.
P. K. U. N. I. C. E. F. - Islamabad and Quetta, P. K. U. N. I. C. E. F. -, Low cost rural water supplies and sanitation : a design manual for the Government of Baluchistan, Pakistan. Islamabad, Pakistan: UNICEF, 1989, p. ix, 133 p.: fig., tab., ill.
N. F. Munch-Petersen, Low cost sanitation in Bangladesh as related to the Low cost sanitation project covering 84 pourashavas : consultants report. Hoff & Overgaard a/s, Copenhagen, Denmark, p. ca. 127 p.: photogr., tab., 1989.
J. Waterkeyn, Maji safi na afya bora kwa jamii. Kenya Water for Health Organization (KWAHO), Nairobi, Kenya, p. 57 p. : ill., 1989.
A. Wyatt, Jennings, L., Boukraa, R., Frioui, M., Swanson, R., and Thaddeus, S., Midterm evaluation of the USAID/Tunisia Rural Potable Water Institutions Project, vol. no. 256. Water and Sanitation for Health Project (WASH), Arlington, VA, USA, p. xiv, 200 p.: fig., tab., 1989.
M. M. Rahaman, Alam, N., Wojtyniak, B., and Henry, F. J., Mothers' personal and domestic hygiene and diarrhoea incidence in young children in rural Bangladesh, International journal of epidemiology, pp. p. 242-247: tab., 1989.
IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre, The Hague, NL, ZM, Z. Department, ZM, Z. Department, and ZM, Z. Ministry o, National workshop on piped supplies for small communities in Zambia : 23-28 January, 1989, Siavonga, Zambia : report of the workshop. IRC, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. 66 p.: tab., 1989.
Zonta International -Chicago, IL, US, Development, Yand Sports, and Domingo, D. O. I. N. S. T. R. A. W. - S., National workshop on women, water supply and sanitation, Lagos, Nigeria, 10-16 May 1989. United Nations International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Wpmen (INSTRAW), Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, p. 90 p., 1989.
UNICEF -New York, NY, US, Nepal : community water supply and sanitation programme Western Development Region : final report. UNICEF, Kathmandu, Nepal, p. 35 p., 1989.
N. Young, Nicaragua : testing the water : from village wells to national plan. London, UK: Catholic Institute for International Relations, 1989, p. 60 p.: fig., photogr., tab.
Cowater International -Ottawa, Ont., CA, Lahore, P. K. N. E. S. P. A. K. -, Islamabad, P. K. Developmen, and Wardrop-Acres -Winnipeg, Man, CA, Northern Areas : strategic provincial investment plan and project preparation for rural water supply, sanitation and health : final strategic investment plan. Wardrop-Acres, Winnipeg, Man, Canada, p. 2 vol. (xxvi, 137 p. ; ca. 128 p.): fig., tab., 1989.


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