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Filters: Keyword is developing countries  [Clear All Filters]
C. Briscoe and Aboud, F., Behaviour change communication targeting four health behaviours in developing countries : a review of change techniques, Social science and medicine, pp. p. 612 - 621; 2 tab., 2012.
J. C. Correa, Pinto, D., Salas, L. A., Camacho, J. C., Rondón, M., and Quintero, J., A cluster-randomized controlled trial of handrubs for prevention of infectious diseases among children in Colombia, Pan American journal of public health = Revista Panamericana de salud publica, pp. p. 476 - 484; 4 tab.; 3 fig., 2012.
L. Ahiablame, Engel, B., and Venort, T., Improving water supply systems for domestic uses in urban Togo : the case of a suburb in Lomé, Water, pp. p. 123 - 134; 3 fig.; 2 tab., 2012.
C. Sijbesma, Terra, N., and Verhagen, J., IRC : het geheugen van de internationale watersector : ‘Ons streven : water en sanitatie voor iedereen voor altijd’, Waterspiegel, pp. p. 23 - 24; photograph, 2012.
PATH -Washington, DC, US, New water filters for low-income households. PATH, Washington, DC, USA, p. 2 p.; 2 fig., 2012.
H. - J. Mosler, A systematic approach to behavior change interventions for the water and sanitation sector in developing countries : a conceptual model, a review, and a guideline., International journal of environmental health research, pp. p. 1 - 19; 2 tab.; 1 fig., 2012.
A. Blanc and Botton, S., Water services and the private sector in developing countries : comparative perceptions and discussion dynamics. Paris, France: Agence Française de Développement, AFD, 2012, p. 454 p.; ill.; tab.; fig.
B. Tuladhar, Shrestha, P., and Shrestha, R., Decentralised wastewater management using constructed wetlands, in South Asia Sanitation and Hygiene practitioners' workshop papers, The Hague, The Netherlands, 2008, pp. p.86 - 94; 2 fig.; 3 tab.; 4 boxes.
I. Haider, Development of community-based sanitation infrastructure in Hasanpura, Faisalabad, in South Asia Sanitation and Hygiene practitioners' workshop papers, The Hague, The Netherlands, 2008, pp. p. 27 - 44; 4 tab.
R. - J. Baken, The political and administrative context of slum improvement : two contrasting Indian cases, presented at the 2008-11-19, Delft, The Netherlands, 2008, p. 18 p.; 16 refs.; 4 boxes.
M. P. van Dijk, Sanitation in developing countries : integrated solutions, including financial options : contribution to Sanitation for the urban poor, partnerships.., presented at the 2008-11-19, Delft, The Netherlands, 2008, p. 14 p.; 17 refs.; 7 tab.; 2 fig.; 2 boxes.
J. Bryce and J. Requejo, H., Tracking progress in maternal, newborn and child survival : the 2008 report. New York, NY, USA: UNICEF, 2008, p. 206 p. : tab.; ill.; photos; boxes; maps; fig.
D. Jamison, Breman, J. G., Measham, A. R., Alleyne, G., Claeson, M., Evans, D. B., Jha, P., Mills, A., and Musgrove, P., Disease control priorities in developing countries. New York, NY, USA: Oxford University Press, 2006, p. xlii, 1352 p.; ill.; tab.; fig.; boxes.


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