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Z. A. Lima Rural Umzumbe, Assesment of the attended coupon-operated access-point cost recovery system for community water supply schemes : report to the Water Research Commission. Pretoria, South Africa: Water Research Commission, WRC, 2001, p. x, 51 p. : tabs.
A. Affogbolo, Bénin : la formation en hygiène hospitalière pour le personnel de santé à Savalou, pp. p. 434-435, 2001.
R. Ouattara, Burkina Faso : hygiène et éducation par les paires dans la boucle du Mouhoun.-, pp. p. 415-418 : tabs., 2001.
R. S. Kaplan and Norton, D. P., Comment utiliser le tableau de bord prospectif. Editions d'Organisation, Paris, France, p. 423 p. : fig., tab., 2001.
F. Toure, Des outils SARAR pour la promotion de l'assainissement autonome à Ouagadougou, pp. p. 345-346, 2001.
S. Africa. De ZA, Guideline and model contract for a water services authority to enter into a contract with a support services agent. South Africa, Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, Pretoria, South Africa, p. ca. 40 p. : fig., 2001.
U. Ministry o UG, Home and environment improvement campaign guidelines. Uganda, Ministry of Health, Kampala, Uganda, p. 11 p. : ill., 2001.
R. Gerster, Linking work, skills and knowledge : learning for survival and growth : international conference, 10-12 September 2001, Interlaken, Switzerland = Lier le monde du travail, la formation professionnelle et le savoir : se former pour la survie et la croissan. Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), Bern, Switzerland, p. 287 p., 2001.
U. Frohlich, Management guide, vol. no. 1. St. Gallen, Switzerland: SKAT (Swiss Centre for Development Cooperation in Technology and Management), 2001, p. 235 p. : fig., tab.
S. Konate, Sokona, F., Simage, S., and Cisse, Y., Module de formation en hygiène et assainissement dans les structures sanitaires : cahier du participant. Centre Regional pour l'Eau Potable et l'Assainissement a Faible Cout (CREPA), Bamako, Mali, p. 54 p., 2001.
T. Hayward, More than just technical skills required, Waterlines, an international journal of water, sanitation and waste, pp. p. 2-4 : 1 photogr., 2001.
L. A. U. N. I. C. E. F. - Vientiane and National Centre for Environmental Health and Water Supply -Vientiane, LA, Nam Saat, Moving gender strategy into practice : steps taken in the rural water supply and sanitation sector in Lao PDR : a situation report. Water and Sanitation Program - East Asia and the Pacific, WSP-EAP, Vientiane, Lao PDR, p. 15 p. : boxes, fig., photogr., 2001.
G. Walt, CREPA -Ouagadougou, BF, Centre Regional pour l'Eau Potable et l'Assainissement a Faible Cout, and Buse, K., Partenariats mondiaux public - privé : un nouveau développement dans le domaine de la santé?, Info CREPA, pp. p. 11-19 : tabs., 2001.
C. A. van Wijk-Sijbesma, Pyscho social life skills training workshop in water sanitation and hygiene education : training of master trainers. IRC, Delft, The Netherlands, p. 8 p. + 4 p. appendixes, 2001.
Cameron, Reaching the unreached case study : convergent community action. UNICEF India Country Office, Patna, India, p. 40 p. : fig., maps, photogr., 2001.
WHO -Niamey, NE, World Health Organization, Schistosomiase : atelier de formation pour les consultants OMS/AFRO, du 15 au 31 janvier 2001 à Niamey. World Health Organization (WHO), Niamey, Niger, p. 76 p. : fig., map, tabs., 2001.
E. T. Enda- Etiop Ababa, Solid waste and sustainable livelihoods : ENDA-Ethiopia-WEDC training workshop, January 22nd-27th 2001, Addis Ababa. Enda-Ethiopa, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, p. 57 p. : tab., 2001.
J. Bogardi, Towards a strategy on human capacity building for integrated water resources management and service delivery : water-education-training. Water-Education-Training (W-E-T) Support Group, Delft, The Netherlands, p. 44 p., 2001.
P. Eppler, Saha, K. S., Crossley, J., and Beerling, A., Approach setting for the community management component : a facilitator's manual, vol. no. 1. Development Association for Self-reliance, Communication and Health (DASCOH), Dhaka, Bangladesh, p. 69 p. : fig., tab., 2000.
S. Africa. De ZA, Build operate train and transfer program : ensuring equitable acces to effective, economical and sustainable water supply and sanitation services. South Africa, Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, Pretoria, South Africa, p. 26 p. : photogr., 2000.
M. L. Borba, Capacity building for women in water supply and sanitation, in Women and water management : the Latin America experience, 2000, pp. P. 27-68 : 2 boxes, 2 tab.
J. Soussan and Harrison, R., Commitments on water security in the 21st century : an anlysis of pledges and statements made at the ministerial conference and world water forum, the Hague, March 2000. University of Leeds, Centre for Water Policy and Development, School of Geography (CWPD), Leeds, UK, p. ii, 32 p., 2000.
N. A. C. Zimbabwe. ZW, Community based management of water supply and sanitation services in Zimbabwe : implementation guide. National Action Committee for Rural Water Supply and Sanitation, Harare, Zimbabwe, p. vi, ca. 31 p. : boxes, tabs., 2000.
Z. A. Mvula Trus Braamfontein, Compendium of appropriate practice in peri-urban and rural water and sanitation delivery. Mvula Trust, Braamfontein, South Africa, p. 26 p. : boxes, 2000.
IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre, The Hague, NL and Centro de Servicios para el Desarollo -Quetzaltenango, GT, SER, El costo del agua : una experiencia de gestion comunitaria para el abastecimiento de agu, en Guatemala. Servicios para el Desarrollo, Quetzaltenango, Guatemala, p. video (20 min.) : VHS/PAL, 2000.


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