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P. J. Kolsky, Diarrhoeal disease : current concepts and future challenges : water, sanitation and diarrhoea : the limits of understanding, Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, pp. p. S3/43 - S3/46: 1 fig., 5 tab., 1993.
B. Bradford and Suarez, R., The economic impact of the cholera epidemic in Peru : an application of the cost of illness methodology, vol. no. 415. Water and Sanitation for Health Project (WASH), Arlington, VA, USA, p. xi, 63 p.: 4 fig., 19 tab., 1993.
G. F. Craun, Epidemiology studies of water disinfectants and disinfection by-products, in Safety of water disinfection : balancing chemical and microbial risks, 1993, pp. P. 277-301: 8 tab.
G. H. Rabbani and Mahalanabis, D., New strains of Vibrio cholerae O139 in India and Bangladesh : lessons from the recent epidemics, Journal of diarrhoeal diseases research, pp. p. 63-66, 1993.
P. Payment, Sobsey, M. D., Dufour, A. P., Gerba, C. P., and LeChevallier, M. W., Using a conceptual framework for assessing risks to health from microbes in drinking water, Journal American Water Works Association, pp. p. 44-48 : 1 fig., photogr., 1993.
S. Simeant, Cholera, 1991 : vieil ennemi, nouveau visage, World health statistics quarterly, pp. p. 208-219: 3 chart, 2 fig., 1 tab., 1992.
J. E. Frencken, Endemic fluorosis in developing countries : causes, effects and possible solutions : report of a symposium held in Delft, The Netherlands, April 27th, 1990, vol. no. 91.082. TNO Institute for Preventive Health Care, Leiden, The Netherlands, p. ii, 98 p.: fig., tab., 1992.
G. B. Bureau of London, Guinea worm eradication : a selected bibliography. Dracunculiasis Operations Research Network (DORN), London, UK, p. 47 p., 1992.
L. Manderson and Huang, Y., Schistosomiasis and the social patterning of infection, Acta tropica, pp. p. 175-194, 1992.
WHO. Regional Office for Europe -Copenhagen, DK, EURO, Pamplona, E. S. Foundation, and ES, N. (State). D., Framework programme on environmental health care for primary health care teams in Navarra. Copenhagen, Denmark: World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe, 1990, p. 243 p.
I. Hespanhol, Guidelines and integrated measures for public health protection in agricultural reuse systems, Aqua : journal of water supply research and technology, pp. p. 237-249: fig., tab., 1990.
J. M. V. Oomen, de Wolf, J., and Jobin, W. R., Health and irrigation : incorporation of disease-control measures in irrigation, a multi-faceted task in design, construction, operation. Volume 1, vol. no. 45. Wageningen, The Netherlands: International Institute for Land Reclamation and Improvement, 1990, p. 2 vol. (304 p. ; 119 p.): fig., tab.
S. Cairncross, Health impacts in developing countries: new evidence and new prospects, Water and environment journal, pp. p. 571-575 : 1 fig., 1990.
C. F. Robert, Bouvier, S., and Rougemont, A., Epidemiology, anthropology and health education, World health forum, pp. p. 355-364: fig., photogr., 1989.


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