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R. Wasser, Biogas in Nicaragua : two project analyses. Twente University of Technology, Enschede, The Netherlands, p. 200 p., 1987.
WHO -Geneva, CH, World Health Organization, Communication : a guide for managers of national diarrhoeal disease control programmes : planning, management and appraisal of communication activities. World Health Organization, Diarrhoeal Diseases Control Programme, Geneva, Switzerland, p. vii, 78 p.: fig., photogr., tab., 1987.
D. A. Okun and Ernst, W. R., Community piped water supply systems in developing countries : a planning manual, vol. no. 60. Washington, DC, USA: World Bank, 1987, p. xi, 249 p.: fig., tab.
L. Rice and White, M. D., Engineering aspects of water law. New York, NY, USA: Wiley, 1987, p. x, 206 p.: fig.
C. A. van Wijk-Sijbesma and Bastemeijer, T. F., Evaluation of DANIDA supported watermasterplans and implementation programmes for Iringa, Ruvuma and Mbeya regions in Tanzania : briefing document prepared for preparatory discussions on 11 and 12 May 1987 (draft). The Hague, The Netherlands, p. 62 p.: fig., graph., map, tab., 1987.
WHO -Geneva, CH, World Health Organization, Jakarta, I. D. Yayasan In, ID, I. Ministry o, Jakarta, I. D. Academy of, and UNICEF -New York, NY, US, Evaluation of the INPRES water supply and sanitation program. Academy of Health Controllers, Jakarta, Indonesia, p. 83 p.: fig., tab., 1987.
P. K. U. N. I. C. E. F. - Lahore and Lahore, P. K. P. E. P. A. C. -, Evaluation of the Punjab sanitation programme : final report. UNICEF, Lahore, Pakistan, p. ix, 184 p.: fig., tab., 1987.
T. Campbell, Informal sector in water and sanitation : intervention strategies for USAID : a paper prepared for USAID workshop on the informal sector in infrastructure and housing, presented at the 1987-01-01, Washington, DC, USA, 1987, p. 15 p.
PAHO -Washington, DC, US and GT, G. Ministerio, Instrucciones y guias de operacion y mantenimiento. Guatemala, Division de Saneamiento del Medio (DSM), Guatemala, Guatemala, p. ca. 60 p.: ill., 1987.
WHO -Geneva, CH, World Health Organization, UNDP -New York, NY, US, and IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre, The Hague, NL, List of basic publications on community water supply and sanitation : a selected bibliography and glossary of expressions, vol. no. 3. IRC, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. vi, 63 p., 1987.
J. T. Visscher and Bastemeijer, T. F., Maintenance systems for rural water supplies, vol. no. 8. IRC, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. 43 p., 1987.
P. Donnelly-Roark, New participatory frameworks for the design and management of sustainable water supply and sanitation projects, vol. no. 52. Water and Sanitation for Health Project (WASH), Arlington, VA, USA, p. viii, 30 p., 1987.
P. Donnelly-Roark, Nouveaux cadres de participation pour la conception et la gestion des projets durables de distribution d'eau et d'assainissement, vol. no. 50. Water and Sanitation for Health Project (WASH), Arlington, VA, USA, p. viii, 30 p., 1987.
J. H. Austin and Jordan, J. K., Operation and maintenance of water systems in developing countries, Journal American Water Works Association, pp. p. 70-77, 1987.
J. C. Rietveld, An overdue plea for support for local, regional and international professional associations : paper presented at the symposium "Opening up new horizons", 15 December 1987 organised by the Watertransportmij Rijn-Kennemerland WRK, presented at the 1987-01-01, S.l., 1987, p. 5 p.
P. H. Asian Deve Manila, Philippines water and sanitation sector profile. Asian Development Bank, Manila, Philippines, p. 2 vol.(XVI, 202 p. ; 45 p.): fig., tab., 1987.
L. Godin, Preparation des projets urbains d'amenagement, vol. no. 66F. Washington, DC, USA: World Bank, 1987, p. X, 217 p.: fig., tab.
S. Cairncross, The private sector and water supply in developing countries : partnership or profiteering?, Health policy and planning, pp. p. 180-182, 1987.
G. Tharun, Project casework based training for better planning and management of water pollution control in developing countries, in World Water '86 : water technology for the developing world : proceedings of an international conference organized by the Institution of Civil Engineers and held in London on 14-16 July 1986, 1987, pp. P. 231-239 : fig.
M. A. Lewis and Miller, T. R., Public-private partnership in water supply and sanitation in sub-Saharan Africa, Health policy and planning, pp. p. 70-79, 1987.
B. J. Lloyd, Pardon, M., and Bartram, J., Report on drinking water surveillance programme : phase 3c : evaluation of the pilot region diagnostic. DelAgua, Lima, Peru, p. 27, 11 p., 1987.
B. W. World Bank Gaborone, Gaborone, B. W. U. N. D. P. -, BW, B. Ministry o, and Oslo, N. O. Hifab Inte, Sanitation sector management study : final report. Hifab International, Oslo, Norway, p. 80 p.: fig., tab., 1987.
M. Guoth-Gumberger and Guoth-Gumberger, R., Small project's training manual. Volume II. Water Supply. Sudan Council of Churches, Khartoum, Sudan, p. 515 p. : ill., 1987.
T. Katko, Technical and non-technical aspects of externally supported rural water supply projects in developing countries, vol. no. 33. Tampere, Finland: Tampere University of Technology, 1987, p. v, 112 p.: fig., tab.
M. Solanes and Brewster, M., Ten years after Mar del Plata, Natural resources forum, pp. p. 251-258, 1987.


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