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R. Keller, Hydrology of humid tropical regions : aspects of tropical cyclones - hydrological effects of agriculture and forestry practice, vol. 140. International Association of Hydrological Sciences, Wallingford, UK, p. xi, 468 p., 1983.
W. Stinson, Information systems in primary health care, vol. ser. 1, no. 6. Washington, DC, USA: American Public Health Association (APHA), 1983, p. 76 p.: fig.
C. Guinchat and Menou, M., Introduccion general a las ciencias y tecnicas de la informacion y de la documentacion. Paris, France: UNESCO, 1983, p. 480 p.: fig., photogr.
F. J. Lethem and Cooper, L., Managing project-related technical assistance : the lessons of success, vol. no. 586. Washington, DC, USA: World Bank, 1983, p. 88 p.
R. S. Singh, Roy, A. K., Chatterjee, P. K., Gupta, K. N., Khare, S. T., and Rau, B. B., Manuel de conception, de construction et d'entretien de latrines bon marche a siphon et a rincage manuel en Inde, vol. no. 10. World Bank, Washington, DC, USA, p. xiv, 111 p.: techn. drawings, tab., 1983.
I. Directorat ID, Petunjuk pelaksanaan pengawasan pengurusan dan pemeliharaan : sumur pompa tangan dan penampungan air hujan : di daerah pengembangan. Indonesia, Departemen Kesehatan RI, Jakarta, Indonesia, p. 16 p. + 15 annexes : fig., 1983.
G. Cochrane, Policies for strengthening local government in developing countries, vol. no. 582. Washington, DC, USA: World Bank, 1983, p. 57 p.
C. O. Convenio C. Bogota, Propuesta 1984-1985. Convenio Colombo Holandes en Salud, Bogota, Colombia, p. iv, 57 p., 1983.
V. Raman, Significance of losses in water distribution systems in India, Bulletin of the World Health Organization, pp. p. 867-870, 1983.
B. B. Sundaresan, Huisman, L., Hofkes, E. H., Netto, J. Mde Azevedo, and Lanoix, J. N., Small community water supplies : technology of small water supply systems in developing countries, Enlarged ed., vol. no. 18. The Hague, The Netherlands: IRC, 1983, p. 442 p.: fig., graf., photos, tab.
B. B. Sundaresan and Bhide, A. D., Solid waste mangement in developing countries, vol. 2. Indian National Scientific Documentation Centre, New Delhi, India, p. 222 p., 1983.
S. Paul, Training for public administration and management in developing countries : a review, vol. no. 584. Washington, DC, USA: World Bank, 1983, p. 113 p.
C. Glennie, Village water supply in the Decade : lessons from field experience. Chichester, UK: Wiley, 1983, p. xi, 152 p.
B. J. Dangerfield, Water supply and sanitation in developing countries, vol. 3. London, UK: Institution of Water Engineers and Scientists (IWES), 1983, p. xvi, 413 p.
R. Franklin, Waterworks management in developing communities. Tong, UK: Franklin Associates, 1983, p. 191 p.: fig.
Written materials resulting from the workshop for the National Water Supply and Drainage Board of Sri Lanka : June 6-10, 1983. Water and Sanitation for Health Project (WASH), Arlington, VA, USA, p. 100 p., 1983.
J. M. Kalbermatten, Julius, D. S., and Gunnerson, C. G., Appropriate sanitation alternatives : a technical and economic appraisal, vol. 1. Baltimore, MD, USA: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1982, p. xii, 115 p.: fig., maps, tab.
American Water Works Association -Denver, CO, US, AWWA, Basic management principles for small water systems : an AWWA small systems resource book. Denver, CO, USA: American Water Works Association, 1982, p. 125 p.: fig.
R. Heaver, Bureaucratic politics and incentives in the management of rural development, vol. no. 537. Washington, DC, USA: World Bank, 1982, p. vii, 72 p.
P. Cross, Communications support for sanitation programmes : a guide to issues, methods and implementation procedures. International Reference Centre for Waste Disposal, Duebendorf, Switzerland, p. v, 114 p.: fig., tab., 1982.
D. M. Dworkin, Community water supply evaluation summary : conference working paper, presented at the 1982-01-01, Washington, DC, USA, 1982, p. 75 p.: fig., tab.
G. Hofstede, Culturele problemen voor Nederlandse managers en deskundigen in Indonesie. TG International, Deventer, The Netherlands, p. 39 p., 1982.
USAID -Washington, DC, US, Domestic water and sanitation. USAID, Washington, DC, USA, p. 16 p., 1982.
J. S. Cointreau, Environmental management of urban solid wastes in developing countries : a project guide, vol. no. 5. Washington, DC, USA: World Bank, 1982, p. viii, 214 p.: fig., tab.
J. L. Evans and Waldorf, L. E., Individual onsite wastewater systems : proceedings of the Eighth National Conference 1981. National Sanitation Foundation, Ann Arbor, MI, USA, p. ix, 350 p., 1982.


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