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T. de Veer, Assessment of experiences, attitudes, beliefs, developments and ideas among implementing, donor and support agencies with respect to monitoring and evaluation of water and sanitation programmes in camps for refugees or displaced persons : final report. Netherlands, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. viii, 75 p. : boxes, 1996.
A. Devaraj, Community based handpump maintenance, in [Various papers distributed at the National Workshop on Operation and Maintenance of Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Systems, New Delhi, September 25-27, 1996], 1996, p. 7 p.
G. H. Ghana Wate Accra, Community water and sanitation project : revised implementation manual. Ghana Water and Sewerage Corporation, Accra, Ghana, p. iii, 100 p. tab., 1996.
Cand Public Housing, Community Water Supply & Sanitation Project : quarterly progress report no. 2/1995, April 01 - June 30, 1995, vol. no. 2. Sri Lanka, Ministry of Housing, Construction & Public Utilities, CWSSP, Battaramulla, Sri Lanka, p. 88 p. : tab., 1996.
Cand Public Housing, Community Water Supply & Sanitation Project : quarterly progress report no. 1/1996, January 01 - March 31, 1996, vol. no. 1. Sri Lanka, Ministry of Housing, Construction & Public Utilities, CWSSP, Battaramulla, Sri Lanka, p. 122 p. : tab., 1996.
K. B. Kurup, The community-managed sanitation programme in Kerala : learning from experience, IRC, The Hague, The Netherlands, 1996.
M. Bagbiele, Sarpong, O., and Kidd, E., Community-oriented hygiene and sanitation, in Sustainability of water and sanitation systems : proceedings of the 21st WEDC conference, Kampala, Uganda, 4-8 September 1995, 1996, pp. P. 47-49.
Danish Committee for Aid to Afghan Refugees -Peshawar, PK, DACAAR, DACAAR. Danish Committee for Aid to Afghan Refugees, DACAAR, Peshawar, Pakistan, p. 16 pag. : photogr., 1996.
D. Laredo, Selim, T., and Carney, J., Development of indicators for the water and wastewater sector in Egypt, vol. no. 27. Environmental Health Project (EHP), Arlington, VA, USA, p. v, 21 p. + annexes (47 p.) : 6 tab., 1996.
I. N. U. N. I. C. E. F. - Jaipur, Drinking water for all : past, present and future Rajasthan : background paper. UNICEF, Jaipur, India, p. ca. 90 p. : maps, tab., 1996.
R. B. Caayupan, Enabling beneficiaries for sustainable community-based water and sanitation projects in the Central Visayas Region. AusAID Australian Agency for International Development, Canberra, ACT, Australia, p. 43 p. : 11 fig., 1996.
E. T. Ethiopian Ababa, The Ethiopian social rehabilitation and development fund : operational manual. Ethiopian Social Rehabilitation and Development Fund, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, p. xii, 118 p. : tab., 1996.
B. E. European C. Brussels and Louvain-la-Neuve, B. E. H. Y. D. R. O. - R. an, Evaluation complementaire du programme regional solaire (P.R.S.). HYDRO - R & D, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, p. 153 p. + ca. 60 p. annexes : fig., tab., 1996.
IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre, The Hague, NL, Gender aspects of urban water supply and sanitation services : a compilation of abstracts on woman, water, sanitation taken from the annual abstract journal. IRC, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. i, 55 p. : ill., 1996.
P. Ministry o PK and UNICEF -New York, NY, US, Government of Pakistan and UNICEF country programme of cooperation 1996 -1998 : master plan of cooperation. UNICEF, New York, NY, USA, p. ii, 171 p. : fig., tab., 1996.
Swedish Committee for Afghanistan -Stockholm, SE, SCA, Guidelines for rural drinking water supply projects in Afghanistan. Swedish Committee for Afghanistan (SCA), Stockholm, Sweden, p. 13 p., 1996.
C. H. W. H. O. Expert Geneva, Improving school health programmes : barriers and strategies. World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva, Switzerland, p. vi, 28 p., 1996.
D. B. Warner, Joint monitoring programme, in [Third Global Forum : Barbados : 30 October - 3 November 1995 : various papers presented], 1996, p. 9 p.
Rand Water Reclamation, FI, F. Ministry o, and Helsinki, F. I. Kefinco -, Kenya-Finland Western Water Supply Programme : programme completion report for phase IV (May 1993 - December 1995). Kefinco, Helsinki, Finland, p. xii, 109 p. : 10 fig., 48 tab., 1996.
C. A. van Wijk-Sijbesma, La politique du genre dans l'hydraulique villageoise, l'assainissement et la protection des ressources en eau : un guide methodologique et technique, vol. no. 23-F. IRC, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. 57 p., 1996.
I. N. J. P. S. Associ Bombay and IN, M. (State). W., Maharashtra rural water supply and sanitation project : progress report as on September 30th, 1996. Government of Maharashtra, Bombay, India, p. 32 p. : tab., 1996.
I. N. J. P. S. Associ Bombay and IN, M. (State). W., Maharashtra rural water supply and sanitation project : project action plan 1996-97. Maharashtra Water Supply and Sanitation Department, Government of Maharashtra, Bombay, India, p. 32 p. : tab. , 1996.
J. McLaren, Map of a small world : developing a latrine-programme monitoring tool in Guinea, Waterlines, an international journal of water, sanitation and waste, pp. p. 21-22 : 2 fig., 2 photogr., 1996.
N. P. U. N. I. C. E. F. Reg Kathmandu and Decore Consultancy Group -Kathmandu, NP, Development Communication and Research Consultancy Group, Mid term monitoring and impact evaluation of the Sanjeevini TV series : final report. UNICEF, Kathmandu, Nepal, p. ca. 95 p. : fig., tab., 1996.
I. N. Netherland Hyderabad and Delhi, I. N. E. T. C. - New, Netherlands assisted projects Andhra Pradesh (India) : half-yearly progress report : April 2000 - September 2000 : AP III. Netherlands Assisted Projects Office, Hyderabad, India, p. iv, 27 p. : 2 organogr., 5 tab., 1996.


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