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M. T. Boot, Just stir gently : the way to mix hygiene education with water supply and sanitation, vol. no. 29. The Hague, The Netherlands: IRC, 1991, p. x, 171 p.: fig., tab.
C. H. A. G. U. A. S. A. N. - S. Gallen and Gallen, C. H. S. K. A. T. - St., Kommunikation in der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit : Bericht ueber den 7. Gersauer Workshop der AGUASAN (1.7-5.7.1991). SKAT (Swiss Centre for Development Cooperation in Technology and Management), St. Gallen, Switzerland, p. 54 p. + 76 p. annexes: fig., photogr., 1991.
W. Critchley, Looking after our land : soil and water conservation in dryland Africa. Oxford, UK: Oxfam Publishing, 1991, p. 84 p.: 21 fig., photogr.
I. Department IN and Delhi, I. N. National I., Management information systems for rural water supply : for implementation at state level. National Industrial Development Cooperation, New Delhi, India, p. 112 p. : fig., 1991.
G. - GH and GH, U. N. I. C. E. F. - Accra, Master plan of operation 1991-1995. Government of Ghana, Accra, Ghana, p. 178 p. : fig., tab., 1991.
P. Tschumi, Monitoring and evaluating a project's effectiveness, Waterlines, an international journal of water, sanitation and waste, pp. p. 25-28: 3 fig., 2 photogr., 1991.
Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment -Winnipeg, Man.,CA, National guidelines for the landfilling of hazardous waste. Winnipeg, Man, Canada: Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment, 1991, p. xvi, 45 p.: fig.
K. R. Rao, Netherlands assisted projects - Andhra Pradesh AP III - Nalgonda - phase 1 : institution development component : activity 2 : management information system development. India (Andhra Pradesh), Panchayati Raj Engineering Department, Hyderabad, India, p. 25 p. : tab., 1991.
K. R. Rao, Netherlands assisted projects - Andhra Pradesh NAP - AP III : Nalgonda - phases 1 and 2 : integrated project document. India (Andhra Pradesh), Panchayati Raj Engineering Department, Hyderabad, India, p. v, 127 p.: map, tab., 1991.
I. N. D. A. N. I. D. A. - Bhubaneshwar, Rehabilitation guidelines. DANIDA, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Bhubaneshwar, India, p. 16 p. + 84 p. annexes: fig., tab., 1991.
Eand Minera Water, Report on familiarisation/advisory tour to Mbeya, Iringa and Morogoro regions : sector advisory team (SAT) : 15th to 25th September 1991. Tanzania, Ministry of Water, Energy and Minerals, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, p. xii, 48 p.: photogr., 1991.
K. E. Crossland Nairobi, Report on sample survey to establish basic parameters (indicators) for monitoring and evaluation of project impact. Crossland Management Consultants, Nairobi, Kenya, p. 27 p.: 19 tab., 1991.
A. Al-Mohani, Heederik, J. P., and van Dalfsen, W., Sources for Sana'a Water Supply (SAWAS - II Project) : progress report 91-3, no. 8 : reporting period July - September 1991. National Water and Sewerage Authority, Sana'a, Yemen, p. 6 p., 1991.
K. D. Kappus, Hopkins, D. R., Ruiz-Tiben, E., Imtiaz, R., Andersen, J., Azam, M., and Attiq, A., A strategy to speed the eradication of dracunculiasis, World health forum, pp. p. 220-225: 3 fig., 1991.
UN Economic Commission for Africa -Addis Ababa, ET, ECA, Study on large-scale water transfer in Africa. United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, p. 39, 24 p.: 3 fig., 4 tab., 1991.
S. S. Luxton, Fuller, C. E., Kane, J. K., Preble, R. E., and Utting, M. G., Technical assistance program for the Ministry of Water Resources, Sultanate of Oman : task 3: surface water data collection : task 4: groundwater data collection and management, vol. no. 332. Water and Sanitation for Health Project (WASH), Arlington, VA, USA, p. xix, 225 p. : 50 fig., 27 tab., 1991.
H. A. Gondwe, Evans, P., Igogo, C., and Kruger, A., The water sector programme in Rukwa : report. NORAD, Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation, Oslo, Norway, p. 42 p. + 3 annexes (ca. 60 p.): tab., 1991.
I. T. I. L. O. - Turin, IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre, The Hague, NL, Domingo, D. O. I. N. S. T. R. A. W. - S., and UNDTCD -New York, NY, US, Women, water supply and sanitation (WWSS). United Nations International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Wpmen (INSTRAW), Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, p. 4 vol.: fig., cassettes, slides, tab., and transparency texts, 1991.
W. Affairs an Development, Workplan interim phase Shinyanga Rural Water and Sanitation Programme : July 1991 - June 1992. Tanzania, Ministry of Community Development, Women Affairs and Children, Shinyanga, Tanzania, p. 29 p. : 5 fig., 6 tab., 1991.
Eand Minera Water and TZ, T. Ministry o, Workshop on development of a water and sanitation monitoring system in Tanzania : report and action plan. Tanzania, Ministry of Water, Energy and Minerals, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, p. xi, 58 p.: fig., tab., 1991.
PROWWESS -New York, NY, US and Nairobi, K. E. A. M. R. E. F. -, Workshop on participatory methods for monitoring and evaluation of water supply and sanitation activities, November 11-16, 1990, Kibwezi, Kenya. Network for Water and Sanitation International (NETWAS), Nairobi, Kenya, p. 29 p.: photogr., 1991.
F. I. F. I. N. N. I. D. A. - Helsinki and Zanzibar (State). Ministry of Water, Energy, Construction, Land and Environment -TZ, Zanzibar urban water supply development project : I Implementation phase 1991 - 1994 : project document. FINNIDA, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Helsinki, Finland, p. x, 45, 23 p. annexes: fig., tab., 1991.
Rand Urban Government, Annual report 1988/89 for the rural water supply and sanitation sector. Zimbabwe, Ministry of Local Government, Rural and Urban Development, Harare, Zimbabwe, p. 43 p.: tab., 1990.
J. S. McCullough and Walker, J., Application of the WASH financial management guidelines to Indonesia's autonomous water supply enterprises, vol. no. 289. Water and Sanitation for Health Project (WASH), Arlington, VA, USA, p. viii, 31 p.: tab., 1990.
F. W. Odera, Karanja, J. N., and Ombai, M., The approach for sustainable rural water supply in Nyanza province, Kenya, presented at the 1990-01-01, Kisumu, Kenya, 1990, p. 76 p. : fig., map, tab.


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