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I. N. National I. Delhi, Integrated monitoring system for rural water supply : executive summary. National Industrial Development Cooperation, New Delhi, India, p. 30 p.: fig., 1988.
H. P. J. van Schaik, Blokland, M. W., Cairncross, S., Jacobs, A. P. M., Barreiro, W., Carefoot, N., and Boot, M., International course on low-cost water supply and sanitation : management subjects. IHE (International Institute for Infrastructural, Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering), Delft, The Netherlands, p. ca. 300 p.: ill., 1988.
WHO -Geneva, CH, World Health Organization and Stockholm, S. E. S. I. D. A. -, Managing the managers : how the Philippines Local Water Utilities Administration monitors and supports general managers of 350 water districts scattered all over the country, vol. no. 1. World Health Organization, Community Water Supply & Sanitation Unit, Geneva, Switzerland, p. 36 p.: photogr., 1988.
A. Stephens and Putman, K., Participatory monitoring and evaluation : handbook for training field workers, vol. no. 1988/2. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Bangkok, Thailand, p. 51 p.: drawing, fig., 1988.
A. L. D'Souza, Report of the Workshop for DANIDA Advisers on Handpump Maintenance Systems in DANIDA Supported Projects in India : Bhopal, August 6th to 12th, 1988. DANIDA, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, New Delhi, India, p. 34 p., 1988.
I. N. National I. Delhi, Sites and services projects in India's secondary cities : an evaluation study, vol. no. 23. National Institute of Urban Affairs, New Delhi, India, p. xii, 88 p.: fig., tab., 1988.
WASH -Arlington, VA, US, Training guide for operations and maintenance supervisors of rural water systems. Water and Sanitation for Health Project (WASH), Arlington, VA, USA, p. II, 176 p., 1988.
J. M. Calixte and Sanchez, H., Twinning : utility pairing, Journal American Water Works Association, pp. p. 73-76: fig., photogr., 1988.
P. Evans, Urban and rural on-site sanitation in Botswana : country programme description. World Bank, Washington, DC, USA, p. 29 p. + annex, 1988.
C. G. Gunnerson, Wastewater management for coastal cities : the ocean disposal option, vol. no. 77. Washington, DC, USA: World Bank, 1988, p. xxiv, 396 p.: fig., tab.
O. Therkildsen, Watering white elephants? : lessons from donor funded planning and implementation of rural water supplies in Tanzania, vol. no. 7. Uppsala, Sweden: Scandinavian Institute of African Studies, 1988, p. 224 p.: fig., tab.
B. Pillsbury, Bourne, P., and Yacoob, M., What makes hygiene education successful? : experience from Togo, Sri Lanka, and Yemen and its relevance for project design, vol. no. 55. Water and Sanitation for Health Project (WASH), Arlington, VA, USA, p. vii, 64 p., 1988.
WHO -Geneva, CH, World Health Organization, Jakarta, I. D. Yayasan In, ID, I. Ministry o, Jakarta, I. D. Academy of, and UNICEF -New York, NY, US, Evaluation of the INPRES water supply and sanitation program. Academy of Health Controllers, Jakarta, Indonesia, p. 83 p.: fig., tab., 1987.
K. R. Daw, S. Khatua, K., and Jensen, K. M., II Tier maintenance system : a preliminary evaluation. DANIDA, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Bhubaneshwar, India, p. 52 p.: tab., 1987.
J. T. Visscher and Bastemeijer, T. F., Maintenance systems for rural water supplies, vol. no. 8. IRC, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. 43 p., 1987.
D. D. Mara and Pearson, H. W., Waste stabilization ponds : design manual for Mediterranean Europe. Copenhagen, Denmark: World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe, 1987, p. 53 p.: fig., tab.
G. B. Gifford an Southampton and London, G. B. London Sch, Evaluation of SWS filtration system. Overseas Development Administration (ODA), London, UK, p. 251 p.: fig., tab., 1986.
WHO -Geneva, CH, World Health Organization, Guiding pinciples for national monitoring of the water supply and sanitation sector. World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva, Switzerland, p. 24 p.: fig., 1986.
N. Ministry o NG and Lagos, N. G. U. N. I. C. E. F. -, [Kwara State rural drinking water and sanitation project : project reports]. UNICEF, Lagos, Nigeria, p. 10 reports (ca. 130 p.), 1986.
J. van Nostrand and Wilson, J., Le cabinet d'aisances ameliore a double fosse ventiles : manuel de construction pour le Botswana, vol. no. 3. Washington, DC, USA: World Bank, Technology Advisory Group, 1986, p. 49 p. : fig.
M. Bamberger and Hewitt, E., Monitoring and evaluating urban development programs : a handbook for program managers and researchers, vol. no. 53. Washington, DC, USA: World Bank, 1986, p. xxvii, 263 p. : fig., chart, tab.
WHO -Geneva, CH, World Health Organization, Principes directeurs pour la surveillance national de l'approvisionnement en eau et de l'assainissement. World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva, Switzerland, p. 24 p., 1986.
WHO -Geneva, CH, World Health Organization, Social statistics and indicators : monitoring in relation to the global strategy for health for all by the year 2000 and the international drinking water supply and sanitation decade. World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva, Switzerland, p. 5 p., 1986.
R. McGowan and Hodgkin, J., Solar pump field tests in Botswana : preliminary technical and cost comparisons. Associates in Rural Development, Burlington, VT, USA, p. ii, 89 p.: fig., 1986.
B. T. U. N. I. C. E. F. - Thimphu, The UNICEF supported Water and Sanitation Programme in Bhutan : annual report. UNICEF, Thimphu, Bhutan, p. 6 p., 1986.


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