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Filters: Keyword is water shortage  [Clear All Filters]
A. Hamdy and Lacirignola, C., Water resources management in the Mediterranean basin. Mediterranean Agronomic Institute, Bari, Italy, p. 24 p. : fig., 1992.
A. M. A. Salih and Ali, A. G., Water scarcity and sustainable development, Nature and resources, pp. p. 44-48: 2 photogr., 1992.
K. E. U. N. E. P. - Nairobi, Report on the environmental situation in the occupied Palestinian and other Arab territories : report of the executive director, presented at the 1991-01-01, Nairobi, Kenya, 1991, p. 24 p.: tab.
S. Young Yoon, Water for life, presented at the 1991-01-01, Geneva, Switzerland, 1991, vol. no. 20, p. 23 p.: Includes references.
R. Clarke, Water : the international crisis. London, UK: Earthscan, 1991, p. xii, 193 p.: fig., tab.
B. Rao, Women and water in rural Maharashtra, Environment and urbanization, pp. p. 57-65, 1991.
M. Falkenmark, Lundqvist, J., and Widstrand, C., Coping with water scarcity : implications of biomass strategy for communities and policies, International journal of water resources development, pp. p. 29-43, 1990.
R. Sexton, Perspectives on the Middle East water crisis : analysing water scarcity problems in Jordan and Israel, vol. no. 90/3f. Overseas Development Institute (ODI), London, UK, p. 30 p.: tab., 1990.
L. Vincent, The politics of water scarcity : irrigation and water supply in the mountains of the Yemen Republic, vol. no. 90/3e. Overseas Development Institute (ODI), London, UK, p. 28 p., 1990.
N. Tunyavanich and Hewison, K., Rainwater storage in cement jars in northeastern Thailand, International journal of water resources development, pp. p. 129-136: tab., photogr., 1990.
M. Falkenmark, Lundquist, J., and Widstrand, C., Water scarcity : an ultimate constraint in Third World development : a reader on a forgotten dimension in dry climate tropics and subtropics, vol. report 14. Linkoping University, Linkoping, Sweden, p. 127 p.: fig., tab., 1990.
D. Phantumvanit and Liengcharernsit, W., Coming to terms with Bangkok's environmental problems, Environment and urbanization, pp. p. 31-39, 1989.
J. Bandyopadhyay, Riskful confusion of drought and man-induced water scarcity, Ambio, pp. p. 284-292: tab., fig., photogr., 1989.
R. Cestti, Water resources : problems and issues for the water supply and sanitation sector. World Bank, Water and Sanitation Division, Washington, DC, USA, p. 41 p.: tab., 1989.
M. Falkenmark, Water scarcity, much more than droughts : a study of water resources constraints in African development : paper for conference on 'human demography and natural resources', 1-3 February 1989, Hoover Institution, Stanford University, California. Stockholm Group for Studies on Natural Resources Management, Stockholm, Sweden, p. 20 p.: fig., 1989.
N. Tunyavanich and Hewison, K., Water supply and water user behaviour : the use of cement rainwater jars in Northeastern Thailand, in Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Rain Water Cistern Systems : 2-4 August 1989, Manila, Philippines, 1989, pp. P. C2-1 - C2-23 : 5 tab.
R. E. Preble and Hodgkin, J., Drought rural water supply, and emergency needs in Botswana, vol. no. 229. Water and Sanitation for Health Project (WASH), Arlington, VA, USA, p. ix, 142 p.: fig., tab., map, 1988.
C. N. Tongji Uni Tongji, Proceedings of the international workshop on China's water environment management, May 14-16, 1987, Shanghai, China. Tongji University, Dep. of Environmental Engineering, Shanghai, China, p. ii, 306 p., 1987.
T. Murre, Borsboom, P., Cornelisse, M., Rietveld, L., Roomer, R., van der Pal, H., and Beuken, R., ISP-Camoapa, Nicaragua : Informe mejoramiento de pozos. Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, p. 55 p.: fig., photogr., 1986.
T. Murre, Borsboom, P., Cornelisse, M., Rietveld, L., Roomer, R., van der Pal, H., and Beuken, R., ISP-Camoapa, Nicaragua : rapport putverbetering. Delft University of Technology, ISP, Delft, The Netherlands, p. 49 p.: fig., photographs, 3 loose maps, 1986.
S. S. Raghuvanshi, Sihorwala, T. A., and Shrivastava, S. K., Emergency water supply scheme for Ujjain City, Journal of Indian Water Works Association, pp. p. 329-334 : 2 fig., 2 tab., 1985.
S. Chant, Household labour and self-help housing in Queretaro, Mexico, Boletin de estudios latinoamericanos y del Caribe, pp. p. 45-68: fig., tab., 1984.
A. Oendo, Water, health and the community in Kibwezi. African Medical and Research Foundation (AMREF), Nairobi, Kenya, p. 34 p.: fig., 1983.
A. S. Kauzeni, Lomoy, J., Ronningen, K., Shirima, D., Kaunde, B. A., Kapele, A. S., Sayana, J. S., Ulaya, E., and Yonah, A. S., Socio-economic aspects of water master plan of Rukwa Region. University of Dar es Salaam, Bureau of Resource Assesssment and Land Use Planning, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, p. iv, 92 p. : fig., tab., 1981.
J. M. G. van Damme, Strategies for water supply systems in developing countries, in Water supply and health : proceedings of an International Symposium, Noordwijkerhout, the Netherlands, 27-29 August 1980, 1981, pp. p. 307-315.


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