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P. Reiter, Expanded polystyrene balls : an idea for mosquito control, Annals of tropical medicine and parasitology, pp. p. 595-596, 1978.
P. R. Dalton, A socioecological approach to the control of Schistosoma mansoni in St. Lucia, Bulletin of the World Health Organization, pp. p. 587-595, 1976.
S. Rajagopalan and Shiffman, M. A., Guide to simple sanitary measures for the control of enteric diseases. Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization (WHO), 1974, p. 103 p.: fig., tab.
R. I. de Hertaing, Courtejoie, J., and Kaiku, N. Mavinga Le, Les vers intestinaux a l'ecole : prise de conscience du probleme par la jeunesse, vol. no. 6. Bureau d'Etudes et de Recherches pour la Promotion de la Sante, Kangu-Mayombe, Zaire, p. 51 p., 1974.
Committee for the Coordination of Investigations in the Lower Mekong Basin -Lowell, MA, US and Smithsonian Institution -Washington, DC, US. Office of International Environmental Programs, Snail transmission of schistosomiasis in the lower Mekong River Basin, with observations on other waterborne diseases : final report. Smithsonian Institution, Office of International Environmental Programs, Washington, DC, USA, p. xii, 299 p., 24 p. of figures: fig., tab., 1974.
H. I. Shuval, Public health aspects of water-borne enteric viruses : final report. Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel, p. 119 p. : fig., tab., 1971.
E. F. Gloyna, Waste stabilization ponds, vol. no. 60. Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization (WHO), 1971, p. 175 p.: 44 fig., 28 tab.
F. R. O. E. C. D. - Paris, Assessing microbial safety of drinking water : improving approaches and methods. OECD, Paris, France, p. 292 p. : 11 box., 14 fig., 40 tab.
G. H. WaterAid - Accra, Bilharzia : training manual for 'WaterAid' health education supervisors and village health co-ordinators. WaterAid, Accra, Ghana, p. 15 p. : ill.
G. B. A. H. R. T. A. G. - London, Child health dialogue. Appropriate Health Resources and Technologies Action Group (AHRTAG), London, UK.
Hesperian Foundation -Berkeley, CA, US, Cholera prevention factsheet. Hesperian Foundation, Berkeley, CA, USA, p. 4 p. : ill.
G. O. Roberts, Cultural and social differentials in acceptance of health and sanitation practices in Bo, Sierra Leone. Ann Arbor, MI, USA: University Microfilms International, p. 195 p.
G. K. Rukunga, Environmental health for East Africa. Nairobi, Kenya: African Medical and Research Foundation (AMREF), p. xii, 280 p. : 4 boxes, 113 fig., 16 tab.
International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh -Dhaka, BD, ICDDR, B, Glimpse. International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh (ICDDR,B), Dhaka, Bangladesh.


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