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Found 23551 results
El impacto del Usos Múltiple del Agua en la sostenibilidad de los servicios del agua; experiencias en 14 comunidades de Honduras. RAS-HON, Tegucigalpa, Honduras, p. 35, 2009.
A. A. L. S. Duarte, Cardoso, S. J. A., and Alçada, A. J., Emerging and innovative techniques for arsenic removal applied to a small water supply system, Sustainability, pp. P. 1288-1304 : 6 fig., 3 tab., 2009.
N. P. WaterAid - Kathmandu, End water poverty campaign journey in Nepal : a WaterAid in Nepal publication. WaterAid, Kathmandu, Nepal, p. 20 p.; 28 photographs, 2009.
A. A. Wangusa and van Klinken, R., Engaging media in local governance processes : the case of Radio Sibuka, Shinyanga Press Club And Kagera Press Club. SNV Tanzania, S.l., p. 4 p.; 2 photographs, 2009.
E. Bereziat, Engaging sanitation entrepreneurs : the market for mechanical pit-emptying in Dakar and the realities of engaging entrepreneurs. p. 8 p.; 2 fig.; 2 boxes, 2009.
N. P. U. N. I. C. E. F. - Kathmandu, Equity in school water and sanitation : overcoming exclusion and discrimination in South Asia : a regional perspective. Kathmandu, Nepal: UNICEF Regional Office for South Asia, 2009, p. xiii, 57 p. : boxes.
C. Nauges and Whittington, D., Estimation of water demand in developing countries : an overview. S.n., S.l., p. 43 p.; 2 tab., 2009.
M. Direction ML, Etude concernant l’evolution future du systeme STEFI : rapport final. Mali, Ministere des Mines, de l'Hydraulique et de l'Energie, Direction Nationale de l'Hydraulique, Bamako, Mali, p. 73 p. + 42 p. annexes: 17 tab., 2009.
R. Garandeau, Casella, D., and Bostoen, K., Evaluating and improving the WASH sector: strengthening WASH governance, learning about complexity, assessing change, vol. 23. IRC, The Hague, p. 98 p., 2009.
N. L. Demedeme and Nutsugah, P., Evaluation of community led total sanitation (CLTS) in Ghana : paper prepared for the West Africa Regional Sanitation and Hygiene Symposium, 10-12 Nov 2009, Accra, Ghana, presented at the 2009-11-10, S.l., 2009, p. 5 p.
I. N. Plan Inter Delhi and Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Institute -Kodaikanal, IN, WASH Institute, Evaluation of existing capacities in WATSAN sector. WASH Institute, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Institute, Kodaikanal, India, p. 79 p. : 8 fig., 3 tab., 2009.
S. S. Saaka and Shafritz, L., Factors influencing point-of-use (POU) water interventions in Ghana : considerations for designing a behaviour change strategy : paper prepared for the West Africa Regional Sanitation and Hygiene Symposium, 10-12 Nov 2009, Accra, Ghana . S.n., S.l., p. 7 p.; 19 refs., 2009.
A. P. Agyei, Awuah, E., and S. Kwarteng, O., Faecal sludge management in Madina, Ghana : paper prepared for the West Africa Regional Sanitation and Hygiene Symposium, 10-12 Nov 2009, Accra, Ghana, presented at the 2009-11-10, 2009, p. 10 p. : 3 fig., 1 tab.
I. Ross and Cumming, O., Fatal neglect : how health systems are failing to comprehensively address child mortality. WaterAid, London, UK, p. 22 p., 2009.
P. N. S. Mnkeni and Austin, L. M., Fertiliser value of human manure from pilot urine-diversion toilets, Water SA, pp. p. 133-138 : 1 fig., 4 tab., 2009.
Center for Global Safe Water at Emory University -Atlanta, GA, US., Final pupil assessment : changing children's knowledge, attitudes, behaviors and outcomes : SWASH-plus : sustaining and scaling school water, sanita... Emory University Center for Global Safe Water, Nairobi, Kenya, p. 26 p.; 37 tab., 2009.
M. (Maurice) Verhaegh, The flow and use of knowledge and information in the Ugandan water, sanitation and hygiene sector : a diagnostic study. Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, p. 146 p. : fig., tab., 2009.
A. R. Fernandois, Fomento de la eficiencia de las empresas estatales de agua potable y saneamiento, vol. no. 141. Santiago, Chile: United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), 2009, p. 74 p. : 15 boxes, 5 fig., 2 tab.
Z. O. Agberemi, Salihu, L. A., and Elejire, J., Forging partnership for sanitation development in Nigeria through National Task Group on Sanitation: paper prepared for the West Africa Regional Sanitation and Hygiene Symposium, 3-5 Nov 2009, Accra, Ghana, presented at the 2009-11-03, S.l., 2009, p. 5 p.; 3 refs.; 1 tab.
K. E. U. N. E. P. - Nairobi and Water Research Commission -Pretoria, ZA, WRC, Freshwater under threat in Africa - vulnerability assessment of freshwater resources to environmental change. Nairobi, Kenya: UNEP, United Nations Environment Programme, 2009, p. xv, 319 p. : Boxes, fig., tab.
M. S. Babel and Wahif, S. W., Freshwater under threat : South East Asia : vulnerability assessment of freshwater resources to environmental change : Mekong River Basin. UNEP, United Nations Environment Programme, Nairobi, Kenya, p. xii, 31 p.; 9 fig.; 9 tab.; 2 boxes; photographs, 2009.
World Bank -Washington, DC, US, Gender in agriculture sourcebook. Washington, DC, USA: World Bank, 2009, p. xxiv, 764 p. : boxes, fig., tab.
I. T. Internatio Rome, Gender in agriculture : sourcebook. Washington, DC, USA: World Bank, 2009, p. xxiv, 764 p.; tab.; fig.; boxes.
J. Seager, Gender-disaggregated data on water and sanitation : Expert Group Meeting report, New York, 2-3 December 2008, vol. no. 1. United Nations University, UN Water Decade Programme on Capacity Development, UNW-DPC, Bonn, Germany, p. 35 p., 2009.
J. Forrester, Nilsson, M., Lee, C., Moora, H., Persson, L., Persson, A., Peterson, K., Simon, J., and Tuhkanen, H., Getting to policy impact : lessons from 20 years of bridging science and policy with sustainability knowledge. Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), Stockholm, Sweden, p. vi, 73 p.; 1 fig., 2009.


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