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E. H. Hofkes, Water pumping for rural water supply, presented at the 1983-01-01, Dakar, Senegal, 1983, vol. no. 21, p. 52 p.: fig.
K. A. Edwards, Classen, G. A., and Schroten, E. H. J., The water resource in tropical Africa and its exploitation, vol. no. 6. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: International Livestock Centre for Africa (ILCA), 1983, p. viii, 103 p.: fig., tab.
T. B. Geyser, Water sans eau : alternative au tout a l'egout. Paris, France: Editions Alternatives, 1983, p. 125 p.: 146 fig.
B. J. Dangerfield, Water supply and sanitation in developing countries, vol. 3. London, UK: Institution of Water Engineers and Scientists (IWES), 1983, p. xvi, 413 p.
B. Grover, Water supply and sanitation project preparation handbook. Volume 1. Guidelines, vol. no. 12. Washington, DC, USA: World Bank, 1983, p. xiv,172 p. : 3 fig.
H. P. J. van Schaik, Water treatment systems and their suitability for gravity fed rural water supplies in Malawi. S.n., S.l., p. 20, [13] p.: ill., 1983.
R. Franklin, Waterworks management in developing communities. Tong, UK: Franklin Associates, 1983, p. 191 p.: fig.
S. J. Winter, McCleary, L. D., and Watters, R. D., The WERI Well on Truk : a solar photovoltaic pumping project, vol. no. 39. University of Guam, Guam, p. v, 27 p.: fig., tab., 1983.
S. K. Chauhan, Who puts the water in the taps? : community participation in Third World drinking water, sanitation and health. London, UK: Earthscan, 1983, p. 92 p.: fig.
G. B. Baldwin, Why present value calculations should not be used in choosing rural water supply technology, World development, pp. p. 1075-1081, 1983.
F. Meinck and Moehle, H., Woerterbuch fuer das Wasser- und Abwasserfach = Dictionary of water and sewage engineering = Dictionnaire technique de l'eau et de l'assainissement = Dizionario tecnico delle acque e delle acque di rifiuto. Oldenbourg Verlag, Munchen, Germany, p. 937 p., 1983.
E. T. Jackson and Palmer, F. C. T., Women and the water utilization project, in Achievements and prospects : report of the review and design mission of the Water Utilization Project, Upper Region, Ghana, 1983, pp. P. 253-270.
A. Bernard and Gayfer, M., "Women hold up more than half the sky" : a Third World perspective on women and non-formal education for development : report of a project and workshop of the International Council for Adult Education. Toronto, Ont, Canada: International Council for Adult Education, 1983, p. 92 p. in various pagings.
S. Young Yoon, The women's dam : (the Mossi of the Upper Volta). UNICEF, New York, NY, USA, p. 21 p.: chart, 1983.
S. Young Yoon, Women's garden groups : (a self-help project in Casamance, Senegal). UNICEF, New York, NY, USA, p. 21 p.: chart, 1983.
N. L. I. L. A. C. O. - Arnhem, YE, Y. Ministry o, and DGIS, D. General fo, The women's participation section, vol. no. 12. Ilaco, Arnhem, The Netherlands, p. ii, 17 p., 1983.
Written materials resulting from the workshop for the National Water Supply and Drainage Board of Sri Lanka : June 6-10, 1983. Water and Sanitation for Health Project (WASH), Arlington, VA, USA, p. 100 p., 1983.
IWSA -London, GB, International Water Association, 14th International water supply congress held in Zurich, 6-10 September 1982 : technical papers = 14eme Congres de l'Association Internationale des Distributions d'Eau. IWSA (International Water Services Association), London, UK, p. 1 portfolio (31 papers), 1982.
K. Jorgensen, African rural water supply : where have all the women gone?, vol. A.82.9. Centre for Development Research (CDR), Copenhagen, Denmark, p. 12 p., 1982.
R. Faruqee, Analyzing the impact of health services : project experience from India, Ghana, and Thailand, vol. no. 546. Washington, DC, USA: World Bank, 1982, p. 47 p.: tab.
B. Lidon and Sola, G., Application du biogaz a la petite irrigation. Comite Interafricain d'Etudes Hydrauliques (CIEH), Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, p. 37, ((42)) p.: 5 tech. drawings, 1982.
J. B. Manga, Hayat, A., M. Bandaro, S., Husin, B., Wirjosumarto, H., Harahap, F., Kartasasmita, B., and Djausal, A., Application of ferrocement and related composite materials in Indonesia : final report. Institute of Technology Bandung, Development Technology Center, Bandung, Indonesia, p. xiii, 215 p.: fig., tab., 1982.
R. B. Isely and Parker, K. A., Application of health education to water supply and sanitation projects in Africa, vol. no. 15. Water and Sanitation for Health Project (WASH), Arlington, VA, USA, p. v, 78 p., 1982.
D. D. Mara, Kalbermatten, J. M., Julius, D. S., and Gunnerson, C. G., Appropriate sanitation alternatives : a planning and design manual, vol. 2. Baltimore, MD, USA: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1982, p. xiii, 160 p.: fig., tab.
J. M. Kalbermatten, Julius, D. S., and Gunnerson, C. G., Appropriate sanitation alternatives : a technical and economic appraisal, vol. 1. Baltimore, MD, USA: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1982, p. xii, 115 p.: fig., maps, tab.


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