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M. U. Khan, Interruption of shigellosis by hand washing, Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, pp. p. 164-168: fig., tab., 1982.
M. Claudon, Viallard, Y., and Elmerich, A., Intoxication fluoree hydrotellurique au Nord Yemen : premiers resultats, Medicine tropicale, pp. p. 327-337, 1982.
A. G. Brown, Langridge, D. W., and Mills, J., An introduction to subject indexing, 2nd ed.nd ed. London, UK: Clive Bingley, 1982, p. 127 p. ; fig., tab.
E. H. Lysen, Introduction to wind energy : basic and advanced introduction to wind energy with emphasis on water pumping windmills, vol. 82-1. Steering Committee for Windenergy in Developing Countries (SWD), Amersfoort, The Netherlands, p. 314 p., 1982.
B. E. European C. Brussels and Frascati, I. T. E. U. R. O. N. E. T. - D. I., The invisible ingredient. EEC-ECSC, Brussels, Belgium, p. video (20 min.): VHS, Pal, 1982.
K. S. Sinha and Bawa, P. S., Involvement of community in health programme : an operational guide for health worker. Central Health Education Bureau, New Delhi, India, p. 2, 22 p., 1982.
IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre, The Hague, NL, IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre annual report 1981. IRC, Rijswijk, The Netherlands, p. 74 p. : fig., maps, photogr., 1982.
D. K. C. C. K. K. - Copenhagen and Copenhagen, D. K. D. A. N. I. D. A. -, Iringa water master plan : introduction (Volume 1). DANIDA, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Copenhagen, Denmark, p. 82 p.: fig., tab., 1982.
N. L. D. H. V. - Amersfoort and Amersfoort, N. L. Consultanc, Irrigation water storage tanks made of ferrocement and a combination of ferrocement and brickwork : a manual for design and construction. DHV, Amersfoort, The Netherlands, p. 140 p.: fig., tab., 1982.
E. S. Curso Inte Barcelona, Jornadas sobre analisis y evolucion de la contaminacion de aguas subterraneas en Espana : Barcelona, 19-23 octubre 1981. CIHS, Barcelona, Spain, pp. 2 vol. (xxi, 575 p.)(xvi p., p. 577-1055, p. xvii-xx), 1982.
E. C. Green, A knowledge, attitudes, and practices survey of water and sanitation in Swaziland. Academy for Educational Development, Washington, DC, USA, p. iii, 85 p.: tab., 1982.
A. B. Fall, La politique de l'eau au Senegal, in Seminar on developing countries : papers : Thursday-Friday, 9-10 September 1982 = Seminaire sur les pays en voie de developpement : documents : Jeudi-Vendredi, 9-10 Septembre 1982, 1982, pp. P. 1-24.
J. T. Visscher, L'application de la filtration lente sur sable : une technologie appropriee pour l'alimentation en eau dans les zones rurales : intervention prepare pour le stage du COTA 6-10 septembre 1982, Belgique, IRC, Rijswijk, The Netherlands, 1982.
M. J. Poulain, L'approvisionnement en eau potable de quelques iles francaises de l'Ocean Pacifique, in Seminar on developing countries : papers : Thursday-Friday, 9-10 September 1982 = Seminaire sur les pays en voie de developpement : documents : Jeudi-Vendredi, 9-10 Septembre 1982, 1982, pp. P. 151-183.
W. C. Braun, Le cycle des projets. Washington, DC, USA: World Bank, 1982, p. 27 p.: ill.
U. Pricher, Le puisard, vol. 46FW. ENDA Tiers Monde, Dakar, Senegal, p. 18 p.: ill., 1982.
J. Monod, Le secteur prive et la gestion des services publics d'eau potable, presented at the 1982-01-01, S.l., 1982, p. 40 p.
J. Lopez, Legislation on conflicts between water uses and users and their settlement, in Water for human consumption : man and his environment : a selection of papers prepared for the IVth World Congress of the International Water Resources Association (IWRA), 1982, pp. P. 433-461.
S. Burchi, Legislation on domestic and industrial use of water, in Water for human consumption : man and his environment : a selection of papers prepared for the IVth World Congress of the International Water Resources Association (IWRA), 1982, pp. P. 409-430.
G. T. C. A. R. E. - Guatemala, Letrinas aboneras secas familiares - LASF. CARE, Guatemala, Guatemala, p. 15, 48 p.: fig., photogr., tab., 1982.
B. F. Club du Sa Ouagadougou and Paris, F. R. B. U. R. G. E. A. P. -, L'hydraulique villageoise dans les pays membres du CILSS : enquete et propositions en vue d'une gestion rationnelle de l'eau : situation en Mauritanie. BURGEAP, Bureau d'Etudes de Geologie Appliquee et d'Hydrogeologie Souterraine, Paris, France, p. viii, 28 p.: fig., tab. + 2 maps, 1982.
H. Hofman, Low cost water treatment and distribution system (3 l/s) for rural water supply. IWACO, Bandung, Indonesia, p. 19 p.: fig., tab., 1982.
M. G. McGarry, Low-cost alternatives to sewerage, in Water supply and sanitation in developing countries, 1982, pp. P. 143-156 : 7 fig.
USAID -Washington, DC, US, Maintaining small dams, vol. no. RWS.1.O.5. USAID, Washington, DC, USA, p. 4 p.: 3 fig., 1982.
United Nations Economic and Social Council -New York, NY, US and UNICEF -New York, NY, US, Maintenance of community water supply and environmental sanitation facilities. United Nations Economic and Social Council, New York, NY, USA, p. 12 p., 1982.


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