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USAID -Washington, DC, US, Safe water and waste disposal for rural health : a program guide. USAID, Washington, DC, USA, p. vii, 232 p. : 15 fig., 30 tab., 1982.
WHO -Geneva, CH, World Health Organization, Safe water supply and basic sanitation : an element of primary health care : a review of tasks at the home, communal and first referral levels. World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva, Switzerland, p. 2 p. + 16 p. annexes, 1982.
R. R. Christian and Pipes, W. O., Sampling frequency : microbiological drinking water regulations : final report. US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Washington, DC, USA, pp. xvi, 159 p., p. J1 - J15: fig., tab., 1982.
E. L. Attar, A. Gawad, A., Khairy, A. E. M., and O. Sebaie, E., The sanitary condition of rural drinking water in a Nile Delta village. II. Bacterial contamination of drinking water in a Nile Delta Village, J. Hyg. , Camb., pp. p. 63-67 : 4 tab., 1982.
A. E. M. Khairy, O. Sebaie, E., A. Gawad, A., and L. Attar, E., The sanitary condition of rural drinking water in a Nile Delta village. I. Parasitological assessment of 'zir' stored and direct tap water, J. Hyg. , Camb., pp. p. 57-61 : 1 fig., 4 tab., 1982.
R. F. Carroll, Sanitation for developing communities, vol. no. 189. Building Research Establishment, Watford, UK, p. 11 p.: fig., tab., 1982.
P. Jordan and Webbe, G., Schistosomiasis : epidemiology, treatment and control. London, UK: William Heinemann, 1982, p. xi, 361 p.: ill.
E. Roe and Fortmann, L., Season and strategy : the changing organization of the rural water sector in Botswana, vol. no. 1. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY, USA, p. xv, 264 p.: fig., tab., 1982.
W. Bengal (St IN, IN, W. Bengal (St, and IN, W. Bengal (St, Second national conference on sanitation : Calcutta, 4-6 November, 1982 : technical papers. India (West Bengal), Department of Health, Calcutta, India, p. 221 p.: fig., tab., 1982.
D. B. Edwards, Selection of alternatives to gravity flow systems for rural communities : a workshop to train Guatemalan engineers in pumping technologies, vol. no. 56. Water and Sanitation for Health Project (WASH), Arlington, VA, USA, p. viii, 64 p.: fig., photgr., 1982.
F. R. Abbatt and Rotem, A., Self-assessment for teachers of health workers : how to be a better teacher, vol. no. 68. Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization (WHO), 1982, p. 59 p.
IWSA -London, GB, International Water Association, Seminar on developing countries : papers : Thursday-Friday, 9-10 September 1982 = Seminaire sur les pays en voie de developpement : documents : Jeudi-Vendredi, 9-10 Septembre 1982. IWSA (International Water Services Association), London, UK, p. 213 p., 1982.
V. S. Rajput and Polprasert, C., Septic tank and septic systems, vol. no. 7/8. Bangkok, Thailand: Environmental Sanitation Information Center, ENSIC, 1982, p. 110 p.
WHO -Geneva, CH, World Health Organization, Seventh general programme of work covering the period 1984-1989, vol. no. 8. World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva, Switzerland, p. 153 p., 1982.
M. G. McGarry, Sewerage : the developing country dilemma, in Water supply and sanitation in developing countries, 1982, pp. P. 125-141 : fig.
UNDRO -New York, NY, US, Shelter after disaster : guidelines for assistance. New York, NY, USA: UNDRO, 1982, p. 82 p.
K. S. Manja, Maurya, M. S., and Rao, K. M., A simple field test for the detection of faecal pollution in drinking water, Bulletin of the World Health Organization, pp. p. 797-801, 1982.
R. L. Droste and McJunkin, F. E., Simple water treatment methods, in Water supply and sanitation in developing countries, 1982, pp. P. 101-122 : 10 fig., 2 tab.
T. Z. University Salaam, Slow sand filter research project : report 3. University of Dar es Salaam, Department of Civil Engineering, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, p. iv, 16, ((28)) p.: fig., tab., 1982.
J. L. Cleasby, Slow sand filtration and direct in-line filtration of a surface water. Iowa State University, Ames, IA, USA, p. 40 p.: fig., tab., 1982.
K. Kawata, Slow sand filtration for cercarial control in North Cameroon village water supply, Water science and technology, pp. p. 491-498, 1982.
B. B. Sundaresan and Paramasivam, R., Slow sand filtration : research and demonstration project - India : final report. National Environmental Engineering Research Institute, NEERI, Nagpur, India, p. xi, 118 p., 1982.
A. F. Windram, Small-scale irrigation by handpump : its potential in Zimbabwe, in Papers presented at the First African Water Technology Conference : Tuesday 30th November and Wednesday 1st December 1982 : held at the Kenyatta Conference Centre, Nairobi, Kenya, 1982, pp. P. 6-1 - 6-8.
R. V. Enochian, Solar- and wind-powered irrigation systems, vol. no. 482. US Department of Agriculture, Washington, DC, USA, p. iii + 28 p. : 94 refs., figs., 1982.
R. M. Schelhaas, Solid waste disposal and utilization in developing countries : proceedings of the VAM/KIT Workshop. Royal Tropical Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, p. iv , 197 p., 1982.


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