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Found 23551 results
Y. M. Sternberg and Knight, R., Final report on the development and testing of the robovalve, vol. AID contract AID/ta-c-1461. International Rural Water Resources Development Laboratory, College Park, Maryland, p. 70 p. : 8 fig., 4 tab., 5 app., 1978.
D. C. Dunham, Fresh water from the sun : family-sized solar still technology : a review and analysis. USAID, Office of Health, Washington, DC, USA, p. 174 p.: 27 fig., 7 maps, 4 tab., 1978.
M. Chakroff, Freshwater fish pond culture and management. Volunteers in Technical Assistance, Arlington, VA, USA, p. ix, 196 p.: ill., 1978.
P. Ministerio PE, Funciones de la junta administradora durante la construccion de la obra. Peru, Ministerio de Salud, Departamento de Promocion de Comunidades, Lima, Peru, p. 7 p., 1978.
N. C. Thanh, Functional design of water supply for rural communities : IDRC research award report, April 1978. International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Ottawa, Ont, Canada, p. 72 p. : fig., 1978.
A. Möller and Müllern, C. - F., Groundwater stored in large fracture and fault systems - a hidden water resource. A case study from Botswana, presented at Nordic Hydrological Conference, 1978, Helsinki, Finland. SWECO-VBB, Stockholm, Sweden, p. 52 pp. : 3 tab., 3 ref., 4 maps, 1978.
World Bank -Washington, DC, US, Guidelines for community involvement programs leading to willingness to pay in prototype water and sanitation projects. World Bank, Washington, DC, USA, p. 18 p.: fig., 1978.
J. Cuthbert, Guidelines for comparative testing of products : hand/foot pumps, part I and II, vol. Z.9977. Consumers' Association Harpenden Rise Laboratory, London, UK, p. Various paging : fig., 1978.
J. F. Shawcross, Hand pump maintenance : organizational considerations for water supply projects in developing countries : interim report to International Reference Centre for Community Water Supply, Voorburg (The Hague), the Netherlands, February 1978; draft report. IRC, Voorburg, The Netherlands, p. Various paging : fig. tab., 1978.
S. L. C. A. R. E. - Freetown, Health and nutrition education : developing "small talks". CARE, Freetown, Sierra Leone, p. 6, ((39)) p.: ill., 1978.
S. S. Rao, Health education project Kamayyakoundenpatty, Madurai District, Tamil Nadu. State Health Education Bureau, Madras, India, p. Various paging ; fig., 1978.
E. Tempia, Health effects of water quality : a case study. Organisation d'Etude d'Amenagement de l'Aire, Lille, France, p. 33 p.: fig., 1978.
WHO. Regional Office for Europe -Copenhagen, DK, EURO, Health hazards from drinking-water : report on a working group, London 26-30 September 1977. World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe, Copenhagen, Denmark, p. 13 p., 1978.
Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs -Austin, TX, US, Impact of the federal Safe Drinking Water Act on Texas : a report, vol. no. 21. Austin, TX, USA: University of Texas, 1978, p. xv, 189 p.
J. Copperman, The impact of village water supplies in Botswana : a study of four villages : Mmathethe, Modipane, Sojwe, Tsamaya. SIDA, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, Gaborone, Botswana, p. 90 p.: map, photogr., 1978.
Thailand, Ministry of Interior, Equipment Control Division -TH, Improvement of hand pump design in Thailand. Thailand, Ministry of Interior, Equipment Control Division, Bangkok, Thailand, p. 134 p. : tab., fig., 1978.
H. Kebede, Improving village water supplies in Ethiopia : a case study of socio-economic implications, vol. ECA/SDD/ATRCW/VTWATER/78. United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, p. 62 pp. : tab. fig., 1978.
N. I. McClelland, Individual onsite wastewater systems : proceedings of the Fourth National Conference 1977. Ann Arbor Science, Ann Arbor, MI, USA, p. vi, 238 p. : fig., tab., 1978.
L. Hendrix-Holstein and Hassen, F. H., Intermediary report on the position of rural women in watermanagement, animal husbandry, agriculture and mother-and child-care. p. 39 p., 1978.
I. Water Supp Association, International water supply association, twelfth congress, 2-6 October 1978, Kyoto, papers - Association internationale des distributions d'eau, douzième congrès, 2-6 octobre 1978, Kyoto, rapports. IWSA International Water Supply Association, London, UK, p. Various paging : fig., tab., 1978.
IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre, The Hague, NL, IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre annual report 1977. IRC, Voorburg, The Netherlands, p. 70 p. : fig., maps, photogr., 1978.
I. N. U. N. I. C. E. F. - Ne Delhi, Keep your village clean : a handbook for community workers. UNICEF, New Delhi, India, p. 65 p., 1978.
J. Lemoine, L'équipement des villages en puits et forages en fonction des conditions hydrogeologiques dans les états A.C.P. d'Afrique : types d'ouvrages et de matétriels, conditions d'emploi, études et reconnaissances préalables. BURGEAP, Bureau d'Etudes de Geologie Appliquee et d'Hydrogeologie Souterraine, Paris, France, p. 177 p. : 5 fig. 4 tab., 1978.
BCEOM -Paris, FR, Bureau Central d'Etudes pour les Equipements d'Outre-Mer, Les barrages souterrains. France, Ministere de la Cooperation, Paris, France, p. 135 p. : fig., tab., 1978.
F. R. S. O. G. R. E. A. H. - Paris, Les pompes et les petites stations de pompage. Paris, France: France, Ministere de la Cooperation, 1978, p. 217 p.: fig., tab.


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