Next week Monday the second global ShareFair is kicking off in the IFAD buildings in Rome.
Published on: 22/09/2011
The chock-full ShareFair programme features many interesting sessions which promise to be very relevant for this blog too! You can hear more about this event through the ShareFair blog interview with one of its co-organisers, Willem Bettink from IFAD. Back to back with the global Share Fair, the annual KM4Dev event is also taking place and that promises to be a highlight of a very full ‘learning for change’ year.
A team of IRC (Carmen, Jaap, Peter and myself) is attending both events and will be sure to report some of the buzz that will be taking place in the Roman area. We will be tweeting about it with the following tags: #sfrome for the Share Fair and #KM4DEV2011 for the annual event.
We come with a multi-hat, multi-mandate mission: The KM4Dev event is of course a big thing since all four of us are on the amazing community of practice which celebrates 11 years of existence (and over 2000 members) this year. But we will also be going there for IRC’s learning for change thematic work, for the IKM-Emergent research programme and, personally, for my future employer ILRI.
But what all these mandates have in common is the interest in learning and in (social) change, all in their ways. So Carmen drafted a list of questions around learning for change which will be our red thread throughout our participation to the events. The list of questions is below and we will be sure to blog about the interesting sessions and happenings we come across in the course of next week.
So keep watching this space – L4C (Learning for Change) becomes an (inter)active space this Monday!
(By Ewen)
At IRC we have strong opinions and we value honest and frank discussion, so you won't be surprised to hear that not all the opinions on this site represent our official policy.