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Published on: 11/06/2014

An action-oriented platform that features high-level discussions and matchmaking opportunities between the public and private sectors aimed at the Base of the Pyramid (BoP) market.

Organised by: BoP Hub, MP International and Ashoka

Held alongside the BoP World Convention & Expo, there will be a Global Sanitation Business Matchmaking 2014 side-event, which is the culmination of the Sanitation Business Matchmaking Estafetta (relay race) 2014.

Global Sanitation Business Matchmaking 2014 is a joint initiative from Dutch (Aqua for All, IRC, Simavi, WASTE) and international (BMGF, Euromoney, Water and Sanitation Program - World Bank and the World Toilet Organisation) organisations. It aims to bring full scale sanitation services for the BoP market. The matchmaking sessions link investors to sanitation business opportunities and at the same time, strengthen the mechanisms that make these partnerships work. Special attention will be given to opportunities for the energy and food sectors to treat human waste as a renewable resource to produce biogas, agricultural inputs and proteins.

Programme Global Sanitation Business Matchmaking 2014:

28th August 13:30 – 17:00
Workshop on the issue of financing of sanitation businesses. The sanitation sector offers long term, slow and stable returns on investment and this can be a pearl in a fund managers portfolio. In this workshop, a panel will discuss the business cases that are being pitched by sanitation entrepreneurs.

29th August
'Boardroom sessions' where > two experts will sit together with an entrepreneur to give input and advice on his business proposition

CLINICS on relevant subjects for sanitation entrepreneurs.
One of the CLINICS will be on marketing: the state-of-the-art of methods that are proven to be effective for the marketing of sanitation products and services.
* CLINICS are by-invitation only

30th August
Plenary session to exchange experiences and discuss follow up: what is needed for success full matchmaking in the sanitation sector.

28-30th August
One-to-one matchmaking sessions


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