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Published on: 18/03/2015

'My Water, My Business' is a series of linked events organised as part of the 2015 World Water Day celebrations. It aims to bring attention to new innovation.that Ethiopia is pioneering new approaches in water, sanitation and hygiene (WasH). The events will connect sector policy-makers, development partners, professionals and engaged local governments and communities.

The overall message is that to complement the efforts of utilities, woredas and other traditional service providers, households can do a lot themselves to improve their water and sanitation facilities and related hygiene practices. You can improve your own water supply, sanitation and hygiene.

Organisers: The My Water, My Business events are initiated by the JICA-funded WAS-RoPSS Project, Millennium Water Alliance, IRC, Aqua for All, and the Global Water Initiative. Other partners are invited to help co-organise the event. The event is to be organised as part of the 2015 World Water Day celebrations and events within the context of the One WASH National Programme and under the auspices of national, regional and local governments interested in household-led approaches to WaSH.

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