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Published on: 09/09/2011

The African Water Facility (AWF) has issued a Call for Concept Notes under the urban sanitation theme for the urban poor in Sub-Saharan Africa.

The AWF will fund up to ten projects that promise to address the needs and to sustainably improving the sanitation situation of a densely populated urban poor community, or of a small to medium size town relying mainly on latrines and septic tanks.

The funds allocated will vary from € 800 000 to € 1 200 000, for a duration of 24 to 36 months.

The submission deadline is September 30, 2011

Who is eligible?

i)        Urban authorities and local governments in which municipalities or towns will be the lead Executing Agencies for the projects (potentially in collaboration with other stakeholders such as successful private operators, NGOs, private sector, etc.); or

ii)      Other urban sanitation service providers such as the private service providers and utilities, who may be interested (given their capacity and expertise) to collect, transport and/or treat faecal sludge from non-piped sanitation infrastructure. In this case, the project should be endorsed and supported by the municipality and integrated into existing municipal sanitation management plans.

iii)    Partnerships – various service providers may submit joint proposals in order to benefit from their combined strengths.

For more information and application details download the full announcement on the AWF web site.

The African Water Facility (AWF or Facility) is an initiative of the African Ministers’ Council on Water (AMCOW). It is hosted and administered by the African Development bank (AfDB).

In July 2011, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation awarded the AWF a grant of US$ 12 million to finance projects to advance water and sanitation services across Africa.

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