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Published on: 14/10/2011

The Business Plan 2012-2016 highlights a number interesting IRC activities, findings and opinions:

No silver bullets

IRC believes that the primary challenges of the WASH sector are systemic, that is, they relate to the complex interactions between the people, organisations, technologies and approaches involved in providing services. In this work there are no quick fixes, no one size fits all solutions, no blueprints and certainly no silver bullets!

Strengthening BRAC ’s learning culture

The WASH programme implemented by the Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee (BRAC) is one the largest programmes ever implemented by an NGO in Bangladesh. It has provided access to sanitation services to approximately 20 million people, and promoted safe behaviour amongst another 37 million. IRC was involved throughout the process; first through the joint development of the programme proposal, and later through capacity development of senior staff during the implementation phase.

A first for Mozambique: cost analysis of hygiene promotion strengthens inter-sectoral collaboration

Together with effectiveness studies to be implemented in 2011, the results of this work will provide hard data to inform a sector debate on the efficacy of different approaches to hygiene promotion.

Ghana: how a country programme is working for sustainability

In 2011, IRC is establishing a permanent presence in three of Ghana’s ten regions in the form of learning facilitators, hosted by CWSA. IRC is currently registering an office in Ghana to allow decentralised management of financing and some core staff functions.

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