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Published on: 06/02/2012

The Water, Sanitation and Hygiene-Resource Centre Network Nepal (WASH-RCNN) started as an informal network in 2003 transformed into a semi-formal network in 2010 and is now a formal network of organisations involved in the water, sanitation and hygiene sector of Nepal. Strengthening the network's institutional and financial sustainability have been a focus in the past years. The network has been formally registered in 2011 after a lengthy process of deliberation by the core members. WASH-RCNN hopes to develop strong proposals and secure funds for the future so that it can continue playing an active role in providing tailored information products and services and facilitating learning and networking in the sector.

In 2010, the Regional Monitoring and Supervision Office (RMSO) of the Department of Water Supply and Sewerage joined forces with WASH-RCNN, UNICEF, WHO and SNV to establish a regional WASH RC in Surkhet, in the Mid-western region of Nepal. The RC has been acting as a secretariat of Regional-WASH-Coordination Committee which consists of most of the organisations working in the region.The Department of Water Supply and Sewerage has now allocated budget for the WASH Resource Centre in Surkhet and initiated establishment WASH RCs in the four other administrative regions of Nepal. The Sanitation and Hygiene Master Plan of Nepal (2011)  makes reference to the need to establish data and information centres at decentralised levels to ensure information is shared and validated.

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