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Published on: 19/03/2013



High level meeting on water cooperation

The Netherlands is host country for the international celebration of World Water Day (WWD) on 22 March 2013. On this day high-level representatives of the United Nations (UN), civil society organisations (including youth organisations), government and business will come to The Hague to underline and discuss the importance of water cooperation for peace and sustainable development. The WSSCC and IRC are co-conveners of the break-out session on ‘Water Cooperation is key to poverty eradication, social equity and gender equality’ during this high level meeting.

AKVO and IRC developed the concept which will be launched at the World Water Day celebrations on 21 March. is a video interview spot that is open to all. A dynamic, independent team of video reporters uses simple video cameras or mobile phones to profile the people attending. Each short interview is edited and shared online right away, and can easily be featured on any website. All videos will be made available via

Akvo and IRC will launch the Akvopedia WASH Finance Portal at:

“International WASH cooperation – past and future: an insider’s view” by Piers Cross will be published in E-Source:

IRC's Triple-S project in Uganda has released a special World Water Day video.

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