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Published on: 13/08/2012

On Friday 13th July 2012, the IRC director, Nico Terra and his family took time to visit the areas in Kabarole district where IRC /Triple-S works. 

The day started with a courtesy call on SNV Rwenzori Portfolio team. The Portfolio Coordinator Felix Kazahura, commended Mr Terra for being accountable to his family by bringing them along to see the work he leads from the Netherlands. The second stop over was the Kabarole district water office where the team was received by Pius Mugabi, the District Water Officer (DWO), and his assistant Nathan Mugabe. The DWO team elaborated on the IRC/Triple-S relationship and the innovations that have been promoted by Triple-S that aim at addressing challenges along the service delivery chain - particularly the improvement in the service management structures at district, sub county and at water user level. 

The DWO explained that the Triple-S initiative had helped even the hardwired engineers to focus on important service delivery factors rather than simply focusing on construction of new sources. The innovations like Mobile Phones for Water (M4W) have also brought in new dimensions in improving accountability and value for money. “The confidence levels among the communities are increasing and the communities now know and can demand a better service,” Mugabi said. 

Mugabi further explained that the Kabarole District Local Government enjoys a cordial working relationship with Triple-S based on dialogue around addressing challenges and finding solutions in rural water service delivery. He commended Triple-S contribution towards establishing the Rwenzori Regional Learning Forum which brings together a wide range of WASH stakeholders from the local government, civil society and private sectors.  

Mr Terra’s visit wouldn’t have been complete without a visit to Buheesi, a focal sub-county for Triple-S work in Kabarole. Accompanied by the DWO and the Triple-S Learning Facilitator, Mr Terra met the Buheesi team comprising the sub county chief, the sub-county chairperson, the hand pump mechanics, the chairperson of Buheesi water supply and sanitation board, the Assistant Community Development Officer (ACDO), the Health Assistant, and two parish chiefs.  

The sub county staff pointed out a number of problems that they face in offering water services to the communities. These included limited financial resources to undertake software activities and effectively mobilize communities, absence of a structure and the inaction of communities in operation and maintenance of the water sources. However, they also appreciated the capacity building work that Triple-S has done in their sub county under the M4W initiative and good governance training. 

The team particularly hailed Triple-S for training of the Water User committees (WUCS) and Water Supply and Sanitation Board (WSSB) as a critical intervention that has changed the management of the piped schemes in the sub county. The sub-county team was happy with the support given by Triple-S in promotion of innovation approaches like the Omuhiigo and Yehora Yeguza to which they attribute the clean up of some water sources. This meeting culminated in the visit to one of the community water sources to talk with the water users and water user committee. 

The sub-county team then invited Mr Terras’ family and the Kabarole district team to visit Tinka Town community yard tap which is part of the Buheesi gravity flow scheme. It is found in Rwensenene parish, Nyakagongo village. As Mr Terra learnt, this is a special source since the leadership and management is dominated by women. The users were happy to share their experiences and challenges. Apart from the clean and kempt surroundings, all records related to the management of the source were well-kept including an updated register of all users and their payments towards source management. All these were partly achieved thanks to the recent good governance training they received from NETWAS/Triple-S. 

With SNV, Mr Terra’s family also visited one school implementing the community empowerment programme (CEP) in Isango Sub County in Kasese to meet the sanitation clubs.  

As the IRC director and his family left Kabarole, it was gratifying to note that they had taken time off their vacation to witness firsthand what the Triple-S initiative had achieved in the district.  

Martin Watsisi
District/Regional Learning Facilitator
13 August 2012

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