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Published on: 28/04/2014

IRC is targeting its new website and expertise at the failings of short-term, charity-based interventions and promoting the development of sustainable services as the only way to tackle the global water and sanitation crisis facing over two billion people.

The new website offers better access to a range of approaches, landmark research and tools to support governments and their partners to develop effective WASH services. The resources include the WASHCost Calculator – a tool that allows users to improve their investment and planning by better understanding the long-term costs of providing services. The site provides greater interaction between professionals on global WASH issues and better focus on IRC programmes in countries where it works.

Speaking on the launch of the website, Dr Patrick Moriarty, CEO of IRC said:

IRC believes strongly in strengthening the ability of governments to lead the provision of services as the best route to scale and the only viable exit strategy for charitable giving

“Too often failure and waste are common experiences for water and sanitation service users. Pumps break. Water stops flowing as services break down on a massive scale. Money is wasted. And what a waste this is - lives and potential are lost as children and their families struggle with daily existence, instead of gaining an education and living their life to its full potential. We, all of us in the WASH sector, need to start thinking about delivering services, not gifts. IRC believes strongly in strengthening the ability of governments to lead the provision of services as the best route to scale and the only viable exit strategy for charitable giving. My hope is the website and its tools will contribute to do this.”

Acknowledging IRC’s role in the WASH sector, Sam Parker, Chief Executive of Water & Sanitation for the Urban Poor (WSUP), winner of the Skoll Award for Social Entrepreneurship 2014, and partner with IRC in ‘Everyone Forever’, commented:

“IRC is a key partner for us: they have powerful research expertise, they are central to knowledge dissemination in the sector, and are a lead voice on sustainability. WSUP shares IRC’s commitment to re-focus donor funding away from short-term projects, and towards government-led programmes which have a realistic prospect of achieving universal and lasting water and sanitation services. We are proud to work alongside IRC in this endeavour.”

Be part of the solution and join the services not gifts debate at Welcome to the new IRC.

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