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Published on: 04/07/2011

The meeting which took place in March of 2011, attracted extension workers from the six sub-counties of Lira district, was organised to discuss the revitalisation of lower level structures in the WASH sector coordination, harmonization, learning and information sharing.

The decision was immediately reflected in a work plan, with key actions including: initiation and training of the sub-county water and sanitation coordination committees, participatory monitoring of water and sanitation facilities and documentation of existing good practices in the respective sub-counties.

The extension workers however noted that the move to initiate the SWSCCs would require capacity enhancement to facilitate the committees and to set up learning forums at sub-county level. In this regard, the participants requested for more learning visits, similar to the one they made to Amuria district in December 2010. These would enable them obtain first hand information and skills – a learning visit to the LeaPPS- WASH Forum in Arua has already been organised for this matter.

As a backdrop to their discussion, the extension workers took time to dialogue on the major constraints to sustainability of rural water services at community level. These were identified as: high level of dependency which prevents communities from contributing towards operation and maintenance; political interference; limited stakeholders; inadequate supervision and support from the DWO; absence of by-laws; untrained Water User Committees; and limited involvement of sub-county leaders in WASH activities.

Speaking at the meeting, the Lira District Water Officer, Hudson Omoko stressed the importance of extension staff in ensuring sustainability of rural water services and urged them to cooperate with Triple-S and other like-minded actors on this matter. The six sub-counties to undertake this initiative are:

Lira, Adekokwok, Barr, Amach, Ogur and Aromo.

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