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Published on: 02/11/2011

To enhance collection of data on the functionality of rural water sources, Triple-S in partnership with SNV and Makerere University launched the Mobile for Water (M4W) project in Lira and Kabarole District. Under this project, data will be collected using mobile telephones. The simple process: If a user finds any problem with the water source, he or she sends a text message to a specified code. Whenever the DWO logs on the system, he can access all messages sent. The DWO then sends a message to the Hand Pump Mechanic, who then does an assessment of the source and makes the necessary recommendations. Based on the assessment, interventions are undertaken. Sources are all given unique identification numbers. Makerere University School of Computing and IT is developing the software, SNV is meeting costs for the software development, while Triple-S is meeting part of the costs for the exercise in Lira and Kabarole.  The project started off with a training of HPMs, CDOs and Health Assistants. A baseline study to establish the functionality of sources is also underway.

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