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Published on: 20/03/2012

Sustainable Management of Multiple Use Water Services (MUS): Session at the World Water Forum 14 March 2012

Robert Marten an Associate of the Rockefeller Foundation presented the results of the Foundation’s Multiple Use Services (MUS) search. This exercise meant to explore the policy, technical and other barriers that limit the scaling of MUS. In addition, it, also closely looked at how to make the MUS models more robust, how to scale MUS and its potential for impact.  

The MUS concept focuses on the premise that poor people's livelihoods and well-being require water for a variety of purposes, both domestic and productive. “A realistic approach like this is something not always present in the water space…”

The Foundation has worked with six partners (International Water Management Institute (IWRM) and IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre, Winrock International and IDEO, Pacific Institute, and Johns Hopkins University). IWRM and IRC have been asked to:

  • Assess barriers and opportunities for scale in 5 country studies
  • Identify different potential modalities
  • Provide recommendations for reaching self-scaling in 5 countries

See Robert Marten’s power point presentation and the Winrock video Keeping the water flowing: multiple-use water services.

For more information, please visit the MUS Group website

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