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Published on: 23/12/2011


In 2079, worldwide drought and nuclear plant meltdowns have diminished the earth’s water supply by 88 per cent. The only hope for survival is to send war criminal Grant Clarke to Jupiter’s distant moon, Europa. Clarke must obtain a sulphur-based bacteria and get it back to earth in time to decontaminate the nuclear waste and save the world’s water supply.

That's the plot of Europa, a 17 minute thesis film directed by David Gidali and produced by Avi Quijada for the American Film Institute (AFI). Post production of the AFI student film was completed in December 2011 and we can't wait for its release.

We are also still eagerly awaiting the release of another sci-fi water film, Shekhar Kapur's Paani. Elizabeth director Kapur announced the plans for his big budget film (the cost has apparently increased from US$ 30 million to US$ 50 million) at Cannes in 2010, but so far there is no confirmation that filming has actually started.

Related news: Global water crisis gets Bollywood Sci-Fi treatment, WASH News International, 18 May 2010

Related web sites: Europa - The Movie: Facebook |

Source:, 21 Dec 2011

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